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Open the Rehab Center

"Is there no way to earn your trust?" the Absol said, looking at the Espeon in the tree, "Is there no way you can trust me?" He looked at another tree, it was pretty small, but still pretty big. "I guess there's no way around it" He said, and got up, walking over to the smaller tree, and cut it down using Shadow Claw, as it fell, he ran under it, making it fall on him. He fell to the ground as it hit him, coughing up blood, and being completely stuck. "Is that enough?" he wheezed under the pressure of the tree, "I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to hurt anything, can't you understand? Do I have to kill myself to make you trust me? I can do it if necessary" He maybe didn't realize it, but his face turned bright scarlet as he spoke.

Ezra heard loud noises outside, and opened the door, and panicked as he saw the crying Seel, and the raging Gyarados, "ARCEUS ALMIGHTY! WHAT WAS I THINKING!? JUST RELEASING A GYARADOS LIKE THAT?!" He quickly got the Seel behind the door, trying to protect it from further damage, "VENUS! USE BLIZZARD!" The Milotic raised itself, inhaled and blew a strong icy wind at Guy, freezing the water around him.
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((What happened to Erican poking whoever was the helper Pokemon in the forest area wanting to know where food was?))
((Sorry, and the Pokémon in the forest is the Cherrim Cheers))
"There's berries everywhere!" Cheers answered, "Just look around a bit, if you don't want berries, then you'll have to wait until Ezra comes with some food he cooked, he do that at one time or another, I bet he have much to do, since there's so many Pokémon here!"
"I'm not hungry," said Frederick, "but thanks anyway!" He smiled and skipped off into the forest to Arceus-knows-where.
Axis was scared. He would jump if he had legs, he intoduced himself and about his past. Axis asks why he was brought here and if other people were going to arrive soon in the mansion.
Rue stared at him, still terrified. The strange Absol had hurt himself, and she didn't know why. The human was going to be angry at her for letting him do that, or maybe for making the tree fall. but he'd done it himself! Rue jumped out of the tree and slowly backed away cautiously, watching the Absol warily. She psychically lifted the tree off of the other Pokemon and carefully set it down about 10 feet away. Then she ran away again, flattening herself against the ground in some tall grass.
The human's going to come and hurt him more. I know it. And then he'll find me too and make us fight or something..
She briefly considered going back to warn him, but didn't move. It wasn't worth it, and she was too scared..
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Ifrit looked at the Rotom whose name was Axis, "Depends" He answered, "If some other Pokémon likes this place, they'll come here, but for now, it's just you and me, I guess"

the Absol looked as the Espeon ran away, the berry twigs still laid on the ground.
He had tried anything he could, rendering himself defenceless, locking himself, yet nothing worked, he felt how a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time pushed its way out of his eyes.
He cried.
Despite every try, he couldn't hide how easy his feelings was hurt, something that had always followed him through life. He nearly screamed, crying loudly, "CAN'T YOU JUST TRUST ME?! AFTER EVERYTHING I DID?! I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO BE HAPPY!" He had lowered himself to the ground, not even caring how shameful he looked, like a little sad puppy. "Please... just eat..." He said, nearly drowning in his own tears. "Just eat..."

Rue sat up again. What was that? Was he yelling? Angry? No surprise. She hesitated for a few minutes, then slunk back to the spot, now behind a tree. He was crying, but not because of the human. Lying down, head on her front paws, she tried to explain in a tiny, shy voice.
"I'm sorry. Don't cry.. please? But.. the human who had me, he said the same thing and cried, or maybe pretended to, when I was bad. Like not wanting to fight for him, or eat those.. food things that smelled strange. It made me sick a lot, when I did. I think those right there,"
She pointed her tail at the berries on twigs, not sure what they were,
Are the kind that do."
"It's not good to eat things like that that humans give you. The ones that do, go away. Unless you're their favorite. Did that human from before like you?"
Rue was pretty sure that she'd completely botched her attempt to warn him, but at least she'd tried. Mostly to prove her "point", she went closer to the berries and sniffed them, eyes still on the crying Absol. Actually, they smelled okay, but still. It was probably a trick.
But.. he looks so sad. And I am hungry..
Despite her suspicions, Rue nibbled on one of the berries, expecting something to attack her or something.
((No, she doesn't really know what berries are. And it'll take a while for her to really trust anyone... jeez, I'm getting depressed by Rue, and she's my character! ;_;))
((But Rue is awesome! ;.;))

The Absol looked up, seeing the Espeon beginning to eat the berries. "Thanks.." He said softly, "Thanks" but he was still sulking a bit, "You asked if the human liked me? He likes every Pokémon, do you know why you're here? Because something bad happened to you, if something bad happens to you, you come here to get a good life again, that's why you, and all the other Pokémon are here" He paused for a short while, "And those food things over there are berries, humans don't make them, they grow naturally, on the hills, in the forests, and such" He was quiet for a while again, then said: "I might know how to battle, but I never do, I only use my attacks in some sort of beauty contest, I'm not sure what humans call it" And once again, he was quiet again, his face was still filled with tears, but he didn't actually cry right now. "I never introduced myself, I'm Sol, what's your name?"
"My name is Rue."
She answered softly when she was done the berries. She poked one of the twigs with a paw.
"I didn't know humans really liked anyone. There was a human that I think maybe liked me, once, but she left me with the other human. He.. he and other humans made us fight, like a contest, I suppose."
Rue settled down a little, though she was still ready to run away again if necessary. She was too embarassed to admit that she didn't know what a "forest" or a "hill" was, having never been outside that she could remember, until now.
Ezra looked at the Seel, "It probably was attacked by the Gyarados" He took out a spray potion and used it on the Seel, "There, feel any better?" He looked up behind the door, and saw Venus doing the he could to avoid the attacks of the Gyarados. Venus suddenly spun around the Gyarados, attaching himself like a rope on a pole, and stared directly at him, like he was trying pierce his head with his eyes. "The never-ending rage of a Gyarados against the calming beauty of a Milotic, which one is really superior?" Ezra told himself, hiding behind the door.

"Rue, huh?" Sol said, and paused for a while like he usually did, "That's a nice name" And once again, silence, this time, Sol was blushing, yet not realizing it. "Not all humans are nice, but this one is" He said, "he takes good care of us, gives us food we like, help us if we get hurt and much more. And not only us, he helps any Pokémon in need. He's a good human!"
Blizzard turned reluctantly towards the human, charging a Take Down. She did, admittedly, feel better, but this human could still be hostile. For the moment, she growled at him, her snow-white fur bristling, as if she were a cat.
Axis looked around a little more before going back into the TV, waiting until someone came. Axis heard a strange noise, a very strange noise in fact.
Guy twisted and turned, but he couldn't knock the Milotic off. Hmm, she seems to be on the side of the people who took me here... He charged up the usually dormant Electricity inside of him, and used a Thunderbolt.
((*Sonic jumps in and runs on place. "You're too slow!" I did that a while ago, and started two other RP's after, one which died again, go post on the new one instead))
Blizzard then calmed herself, letting her Take Down off, not using it. Seeing that this human was rather down, she crept closer, letting her warm body comfort him. She wasn't hungry now... or at least, she didn't think so.
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