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Open the Rehab Center

Nickname: Frederick
Species: Venonat
Gender: Male
Reason: Was found badly injured in the wild.
Area: forest
Background: Frederick lived with his family in the Safari Zone, safely tucked away in some trees. One day came a Trainer. This Trainer was a Rocket, looking for rare Pokémon to use for tools. He arrived at Frederick's hollow and instantly brought out a tough Pokémon, wiping out every member of his family permanently. He barely got away, seriously injured, and was found by the Rehab Center.

What's wrong with my form?
^ Cryptica, read WHY the Pokemon are in Rehab.

Nickname: Blaziking
Species: Munchlax
Gender: Male
Reason: His previous trainer was a terrorist and use Blaziking to detonate bombs and do "the dirty work". Blaziking, being a mild fool, went along with it, though getting hurt in the process.
Area: The Forest
Background: Blaziking's previous owner captured him in the wild. His trainer was good to him at first, earning his trust, and after Blaziking's trust was won, his trainer began to have Blaziking commit small crimes, that increased to bigger and more serious crimes. Blaziking ended up, at one point, setting off a bomb in a busy plaza. Finally he was captured by the police, who realized he was too stupid to actually be knowing what he was doing. They sent him to the rehabilitation center, mainly for protection, but in a way, because they couldn't stand him.

(Don't worry, he won't be as bad as Pokemon Island)
But Lions are the kingz of teh jungle! Ah well. But Erican has other things... And if you meant Solar, I changed the name. It's fun being a clonethingy! I made Erican in anudder RP... Oh well, I'll change him... And I made up Erican(except the cloning) on my own. If anyone else used him, though... And I added Gender, Personality and Indetifying Features.

Nickname: Erican
Species: Pikachu
Gender: Male
Personality: Gives a lot of people the cold shoulder, unless it is Luxury.
Identifying Features: Scar on his forehead. tail cracked. I have a sprite in my hard drive somewhere... *digs out*
Reason: Was found in the wild, tail cracked and bleeding, scar on his forehead, a little to the right(our right, not his). Was carried to the Rehab center, and immediately started liking Ezra.
Area: Something similar to Viridian Forest.
Background: Umm... Pie? =D Erican's background is similar to Luxury's, hates all humans except for Rehab workers. If it's allright, Erican eventually becomes a worker because he refuses to go back in the wild.

Nickname: Luxury
Species: Luxray
Gender: Male
Personality: He is very uncaring, and is too proud to accept food from humans.
Identifying Features: Here is also some appearance. His tail only has three spikes. His tops fur spike thing on his head is split a little on the top, like a Shinx's is. His fur is darker than normal.
Reason: Again, found in the wild. This time, he was barely clinging on to life, at that, his life is scarred. He has no passion for all humans except for one, which he shows second to none. That human is Ezra.
Area: Somewhat like the area you find Shinx in. It reminds him of choldhood days...
Background: He is very uncaring, Erican exceptional. They sometimes get play sessions together, usually when Luxury is worked up. He is too proud to accept food from humans, so they hide it when he's not looking so he thinks he found the food.
Blaziken jumped out of the box and looked for his friend, the Gallade. He saw Gallade and then saw the professor and head what he said, and, with is rudimentary knowledge of English he knew that he wanted them to gather, and tried to communicate that to the other Pokemon.
But Mewtwo, if you want to be a clone of somebody, you have to ask them first, otherwise you might upset them. Kind of like me.


Blizzard opened her blue eyes drowsily. She coughed twice, fear sinking into her skin. She was still rather ill. Somehow, though, she would be healed. She could just feel it. But there was also something else nearby...

Humans. She shivered with anger. They were such simple, stupid creatures... they thought that strength was everything. But it felt as if she were in a warm region as her blood boiled with the mere thought of the disgusting, good-for-nothing things. How wrong they were...
(...Longpost is long :D?)

Nickname: Solaf
Species: Zubat
Gender: Male
Reason: When evolved, made an unfortunate habit of sucking the blood of just about anything he could reach
Area: Caves
Background: Solaf used to not be named, just called by his species, by the way.
Anyways, he used to belong to a Trainer, but was never used. While all his other Pokemon grew strong and evolved, he was only brought out occasionally to take up a turn during which he could heal or revive his other Pokemon, mainly his starter, a Feraligatr (he lived in Jhoto).
When his Trainer defeated the Elite Four, his main goal became to complete his Pokedex. As a result, Solaf evolved into a Golbat. He had never had much time to learn kindness, seeing as he had only ever been outside of his ball in battle and when he was very young, so the power went to his head and he began to accquire a taste for blood, starting with his opponent, then his Trainer.
The Trainer wasn't permanantly injured, but Solaf took away his Poke Ball and destroyed it, leaving him wild and bloodthirsty. Eventually, the problem got out of hand when a few Pokemon and maybe a couple of humans died of too much blood loss, and Ezra bothered to travel long-distance to Kanto, where Solaf had ended up, and shot him with a liquid-dart-thing, turning him back into a Zubat.
The loss of power and size turned him subtle again, but he still sometimes sneaks up on sleeping Pokemon and drinks their blood when he can't help himself. Ezra and Rex are currently trying to train him not to do this before he evolves again and goes on another rampage.

Nickname: Scissors
Species: Scizor
Gender Female
Reason: Attacks and kills others for relatively no reason
Area: Plains
Background: Scissors was unwanted by her parents, and was abandoned when she was young. The lone Scyther was left to defend for herself, and grew used to being completely alone, beside some prey and other Pokemon running around.
She was caught later by some workers for the Kantonian Safari Zone, and released onto a grassy field, much like where she lived for most of her youth. She was calm at first, thinking she had merely been shut in a dark place for some reason and then let back out on another spot at home, but spooked when she saw a Gyarados in the water, which hadn't been native to her home. She swiped her arm at the Gyarados' head, which was scouting and above the surface, enraging it and causing it to attack back.
Both were put in critical condition at a nearby Pokemon Center; she had been attacked with multiple Water attacks and a Hyper Beam near the end, and the Gyarados with multiple cuts. Fortunately, both survived (not like they were almost dead anyway) and went back to the Safari Zone a few weeks later.
She stayed secluded for about a month until a rather adventurous female Trainer managed to catch her. She was instantly evolved along with a Poliwhirl that had also been caught.
After a while in her ball, she was sent out with the rest of the team for an introduction. She took an instant liking to the Politoed who had been evolved with her, and they became best friends.
However, the Politoed was traded away after a while. Scissors was devastated, and nearly killed the next Pokemon she was sent out into battle with. Her frightened Trainer released her, leaving her free to attack more Pokemon. She was sad but otherwise okay for a while, until she came across the Politoed's dead body, beaten to death by its new Trainer.
Enraged, she tracked him down and killed him brutally, starting her killing spree. She was chased after by someone working for the Rehab Center, but her fast reflexes made her hard to catch, and the terror ensued for about two months, during which several people died, mostly those who had a Politoed.
She was caught and brought to the Center recently, where Ezra is considering shooting her with a dart. He is unsure, since Scyther still has weapons on its arms, and the memory is probably enough to stay with her through devolution.
Nickname: Mark
Species: Bulbasaur
Gender: Male
Personality: Scared of new people, and quiet a lot of the time.
Reason: Stolen by underground trainer and used for underground battling.
Area: Forest
Background: He was stolen as a baby from his mother, and used for underground (and often deadly) battling. His trainer, if you could call him that, was extremely cold-hearted and mean, whipping Mark when he felt like it. Mark escaped, but fell into a coma. He was found by Professor Birch on one of his excursions, and was shipped to the Rehab Center.
Nickname: Guy
Species: Gyrados
Gender: Male
Personality: Stubborn and cold-hearted. Has no sense of decency or justice.
Reason: Used for terrorism and whatnot.
Area: Lake
Background: He was taken from the sea and attacked mercilessly until he did what the terrorists who attacked him said. He was used for attacking public places and causing chaos. He was knocked out when the terrorists were captured, and he was caught and sent to the Center.
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((Everyone is accepted, but Shadow_Lugia, I had some problem with accepting you, as you practically was controlling Ezra in the character background stories))

Ezra had just released another bunch of Pokémon to the center, when his cellphone called, he picked it up and said: "Ezra here" he was silent for a little while, then said, happy: "Vendetta! Good thing you called, I recently opened the rehab center, and I already have 16 Pokémon here, could you help me here? Yes, you can take Giovanni and Giovanna with you, a Glalie and a Froslass should be able to help somehow!" He was silent for a while Vendetta talked, and then said: "you mean the devolution liquid, yes, I've already used it three times, first at a Golbat, second time at a Scizor and last time at a Gallade, but I did actually think I'd have to use it more. Anyway, get over here quickly please, goodbye, I love you" he then turned off the phone and walked inside.

Galahad looked at his elbows, normally there would be a pair of blades, instead, there was nothing, he realized he was a Ralts once again, but he couldn't understand how it happened, but it didn't really matter, because to him, being a Gallade had felt like a curse to him, he wanted to be a Gardevoir like both his mother and father, but was forced to evolve into a Gallade, and now, he got another chance to evolve to a Gardevoir, so he couldn't help but be thankful to that human who did this, no matter how much he hated them all. He looked around the area, there was a forest a bit away, forests, Galahad had always liked them, the few times he was in them he always felt so calm and serene, so he decided to go there. He walked a bit, and tripped, due not being used to being a Ralts yet, he got up and continued walking.
Frederick was sitting on the edge of the forest, looking up at the other Pokemon. A tiny bug like him was usually ignored, but he saw another one approach. It was pink, green and white and had some sort of helmet on. He got up and quickly skittered over.

"Hello, who are you? I like making friends!"
Meanwhile. In the Abandoned House. A new Pokemon is brought into the rehab. A Delibird is brought in kicking and screaming. The Dleibird looked around the room, only 2 pokemon stand in the room. A Dusknoir and a Rotom. The friendly looking Dusknoir told him to introduce himself. Reluctantly he announced; "Hi, the names Sky" As everyone introduced themself, Axis the Rotom showed Sky around the Haunted Mansion. Soon theyt became friends and kept themself entertained waiting for other pokemon to arrive...
((Objection, you got something wrong, I said your character finds the place that suits it, it doesn't get carried anywhere, and don't control Ifrit, he's one of my characters, and I said the rehab center was newly opened, so your characters was like, just brought there))

"I'm Galahad" he answered Frederick, despite usually hating humans, he had no problems being with other pokémon, since he never got to talk with another one when belonging to the crime syndicate, that was his problem to, he wasn't used to talking with others. He was just about to go into the forest when something fell down from a tree, it quickly got up, and turned out to be a Cherrim, "Ouch!" It said, and then realized the existence of Frederick and Galahad, "Sorry, I was sleeping in the tree over here, and fell down. I'm Cheers, and is tasked with taking care of the Pokémon that come to the forest, nice to meet you!" She took a quick look at Frederick and Galahad, and said: "So, what's your names?"
Mark blearily opened his eyes and looked around. He was next to several trees, which thickened into a forest farther in. Blinking hard, he stood up on shaky legs and trotted into the forest.
Guy snapped his eyes open and found himself in a lake, floating on the top. How in all of the world did I get here! And why do I care? With that thought, Guy rose out of the water and started Hydro Pumping everything in sight.
((No! From "Pokemon The First Movie", Erican is Ash's Pikachu's clone, not someone in the RP!))
((:X Sorry))

Solaf flinched at the sunlight. It was hot, penetrating; he preferred the damp night of a cave or the light of the slilvery moon.
Blind. He was blind again. Where eyes had once been, there was nothing, merely purple skin stretching over empty sockets. But he had his ears, atleast, and could now 'see' with his sonar.
Still, he would always remember the moment he first saw. Sonar didn't show colors or intensity, just mere outlines that helped him evade obstacles.
But for right now, he flapped back into his cave. It was, in his mind, his cave. There wasn't anyone else there, just a Tyranitar.
That was okay with him.

Scissors, too, was alone.
She didn't mind at all. In fact, she rather liked it. She had always been alone...
Except for one time. One brief but joyful period in her life.
The memories were a little fuzzy, and she couldn't remember the details, but they were still there.
She swung her scythe at the ground, lodging it in the soil, as she remembered her only friend. She could remember the good times they had had, yes, but one memory was the most prominent.
The Politoed's body, lying broken and bruised. Abandoned in a field just like this one, left to rot in the wind and rain...
And she had carried her to a lake, hadn't she? To sink to the bottom like any Politoed that had died of old age or disease?
And she had stayed there for days, as if though hoping the water could bring her back to life...
Had she not been devolved, she would've gone and killed something by now, but now the urge was gone. She didn't want anyone else to die.
But she still wanted to be alone.
((Seems like someone pushed the "post" button a bit to many times, :X))
A Milotic laid sleeping in the water, but woke up when Guy began raging, it slithered against him, hiding under the water, and sticked up its head behind him and said: "You might want to calm down, I'm supposed to take care of the Pokémon in this lake, and I do not want to fight, really"

Rex had been sleeping in the cave, until he woke up realizing he wasn't alone anymore, the light from the single torch in the cave made him able to see the Zubat that cave into the cave, and said: "Why hello! How are ya?"
((Seems like someone pushed the "post" button a bit to many times, :X))
A Milotic laid sleeping in the water, but woke up when Guy began raging, it slithered against him, hiding under the water, and sticked up its head behind him and said: "You might want to calm down, I'm supposed to take care of the Pokémon in this lake, and I do not want to fight, really"

Rex had been sleeping in the cave, until he woke up realizing he wasn't alone anymore, the light from the single torch in the cave made him able to see the Zubat that cave into the cave, and said: "Why hello! How are ya?"
((Seems like someone pushed the "post" button a bit to many times, :X))
A Milotic laid sleeping in the water, but woke up when Guy began raging, it slithered against him, hiding under the water, and sticked up its head behind him and said: "You might want to calm down, I'm supposed to take care of the Pokémon in this lake, and I do not want to fight, really"

Rex had been sleeping in the cave, until he woke up realizing he wasn't alone anymore, the light from the single torch in the cave made him able to see the Zubat that cave into the cave, and said: "Why hello! How are ya?"
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