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Search results

  1. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    ARENA: The streets of Baltimore (Substitute with whatever seedy place is near you) 1vs1 Single Style: Set (hurr) DQ: One Week Damage Cap: NONE Banned Moves: OHKOes Arena effects: You're in fricking Baltimore. What does this mean? Why, of course, it means that anything goes! There are no limits...
  2. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

  3. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    ^That's exactly what I meant. No flying types or Levitators.
  4. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    Bringing these two back now that my old challenges have been cleared: The mosh Pit 1vs1vs1vs1vsEtc. (4-way to begin, but the more the merrier) single battle Damage Cap: 50% DQ time: 1 week Style: Set Banned: OHKOs, Chills, Direct Heals, Evasion Boosts, Weather Arena: It's a free-for-all of...
  5. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    That's only three, you're fine.
  6. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    Oh, geez, I didn't realize that. Well snaps, I'ma have to drop those last two challenges I've presented.
  7. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    Precisely. No fun in flying above a mosh pit is there?
  8. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    Because heck yeah: The mosh Pit 1vs1vs1vs1vsEtc. (4-way to begin, but the more the merrier) single battle Damage Cap: 50% DQ time: 1 week Style: Set Banned: OHKOs, Chills, Direct Heals, Evasion Boosts, Weather Arena: It's a free-for-all of awesome in the most awesome place for a free-for-all: A...
  9. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    Apparently my name appearing three times on the waiting challenges board isn't enough, so ARENAS AWAY! The Haunted Room: 2 vs. 2 Single Damage Cap: 30% DQ time: 1 week Style: Set Banned: OHKOs, Direct Heal, Toxic, Evasion Boosts Arena: A dark room in a haunted house. Infested with ghosts. Ghost...
  10. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    There's already three there.
  11. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

  12. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    Oh god. No limits and incredibly high energy. Any ref who takes that gets a good steady income to say the least.
  13. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take on RG's challenge por favor. Does this profile make me look fat? Reposted correctly.
  14. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take on RG's challenge por favor. Does this profile make me look fat?
  15. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    I'm changing this to single battle to make this more likely to be accepted by a ref. Reposting to ensure Pichu Chris will accept the change.
  16. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    How do I let a ref know now?
  17. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    Like in B/W was actually where I wa going. I wanted to test out that game mechanic.
  18. Pwnemon

    The Challenge Board

    Challenge type: 3v3 Triple Style: set (It wouldn't matter now would it?) DQ Time: 1 week Damage Cap: 30% move Caps: No OHKO, 1 Direct heal per Pokemon. Other Rules: the move Torment is always in effect to avoid move spamming, must have no evolved Pokemon. My Profile...
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