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Search results

  1. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    If no new member/person who's never battled posts to take this in the time alotted, I'll take this one.
  2. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    You know, I don't think we've ever battled, and I only have 1 ongoing battle now, so I'll take you on.
  3. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    Ah, I misread that. I'm still interested but if someone better comes up I understand. sorry.
  4. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    One of my battles is taking a long time to get reffed, and the other two challenges I made haven't been accepted by a ref yet, so I'll take this.
  5. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    Taking TruetoCheese vs. Stala. Thread up in a bit.
  6. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    Another challenge for any challenger. 4v4 Double Style: Set DQ: 9 days Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: OHKOs, Direct Healing moves. Arena: Hyrule Field Hyrule Field serves as the main connector for the many provinces of Hyrule. Those on horseback can reach their destenation in about a day's...
  7. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    I put up a thread for your battle against Luxcario/Rarity a couple days ago.
  8. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    Taking Luxcario vs. Phantom and blazheirio889 vs. bulbasaur. Threads up in a moment.
  9. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    For anyone, really. I wanted to take advantage of break and get back to battling 3vs3 single Style: Set DQ: 8 days Damage Cap: 35% Banned Moves: weather moves, moves requiring water, moves requiring the open sky (Thunder mainly, but anything else in that category.), moves that would cause...
  10. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take Blastoise Fortooate vs. LegendarySeeker99. Thread up shortly.
  11. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    I'd like to participate on whichever team is most convenient for me to be on. (I think I have another open slot for a battle left...)
  12. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    A rematch for Mawile. Should Mawile choose to accept it. 1v1 single DQ: 1 week Damage Cap: None Banned moves: OHKO moves, weather moves, direct healing moves, chills. Arena: A boat. Again. The two competitors have once again found themselves battling on a boat, this one bound for the coast of...
  13. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    A challenge for anyone. 3vs3 single Style: Set DQ: 12 Days. Damage Cap: 45% Banned Moves:, Weather Moves, moves like Gravity, Trick Room, and Wonder Room, OHKO moves, Sacrifical Moves. (other moves may be banned, varies with type of stadium.) Arena: Keckleon Stadium By using Kecleons as...
  14. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    A challenge for Silver. 3 vs. 3 single Style: Set DQ: 10 days Damage Cap: 50% Banned Moves: OHKO, moves needing large bodies of water or earth to work. Arena: The Land of Heat and Clockwork The land of Heat and Clockwork is a mass expanse of lava, dotted with a few towers made of solid metal...
  15. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    Will ref this. Putting thread up in a couple minutes.
  16. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    I accept. Zero really doesn't like dying much at all. *flashes trainer card*
  17. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    Well, well, well. Hopefully this doesn't turn into an apocalypse. PROFILE OF... uh... words. yeeeah.
  18. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    Fine, but Draco Meteor in SPACE still pwns.
  19. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    That's fine.
  20. RespectTheBlade

    The Challenge Board

    Taking again. Why? I have a Dratini. this shall be awesome. IN SPACE. DRACO METEOR GOGOGO!!!
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