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Search results

  1. S. E.

    Idea Center

    I should think so. Four co-DMs are plenty enough, and you could hire more after creating the thread if you wanted to, though there likely won't be any need. And that title is awesome. I mean, really? "Not great"? Who even said that?! *ahem* DOITDOITDOITDOIT--(etc.,etc.)
  2. S. E.

    Idea Center

    I thought of a few titles. "Call to Arms," "The Uprising," and "After the Day - The Council." They're not great, but they could work.
  3. S. E.

    Idea Center

    Even though I've already expressed both my support of Exo's RP and my desire to be a co-DM over PM, I would like to state here and now in front of all the good people of TCoD's RP Board that this RP is made of 100% pure condensed awesome. You are further compelled to join as our cookies, too...
  4. S. E.

    Idea Center

    That's an interesting idea, Blastoise. But who should these "supersmart characters" be? An ancient, technologically advanced race, perhaps? I like it. We can potentially have an interesting twist with this--it may get into PM territory if that's the case. Of course, the backstory doesn't...
  5. S. E.

    Idea Center

    I give this thread life! Nope!--not another SSB RP of mine. Something better. Exo-Raikou, Male Gardevoir, and I have been discussing a new mass-crossover RP. Have I piqued your interest yet? So far, we have a basic idea of the premise. All of the worlds (fictional series) have been merged...
  6. S. E.

    Idea Center

    Sounds good. When do you think you'll start it? I've never heard of Seven Treasures. How long ago was that? Link?
  7. S. E.

    Idea Center

    @Exo-Raikou: Well, I've been waiting for you to make another Pokemon RP. This seems promising. Just a few questions about the premise: Are there to be humans? Does this take place in a PMD-like setting? Where does it take place? Where do we start at? Are we to be moving a lot? What do you expect...
  8. S. E.

    Idea Center

    I'd be interested. Of course, my knowledge of the series is rather shallow, seeing as I've only read up to Book 4 (Rising Storm in particular; I know there's at least one other Book 4), so I wouldn't help much with the plot. You should go ask Exo about it; I'm sure he'd appreciate it. Oh, and...
  9. S. E.

    Idea Center

    Actually... I, for one, do not support this one bit.
  10. S. E.

    Idea Center

    Lady Skymin will smite all of you. D< Well, since not all RPers view the Idea Center, you could probably get away with starting it now. Other people are bound to find out about it once you do. I once started an RP with only two other members from here approving of it, but then five more members...
  11. S. E.

    Idea Center

    What? Rift in the Dimensions is the best RP you've taken part in, disloyal scum. Hrm. If Exo thinks it's that good, I might join. It sounds interesting, and I've been looking for a good Pokemon RP.
  12. S. E.

    Idea Center

    *nudges SSB: The Outsiders* Moooove, I have another, far better idea. D: And it's another gimmicky, non-Pokemon RP! Who wouldn't want that?! Well, it's an idea I've been kicking around for the past two months or so, and I had given up on it some time ago, but now I feel that it has developed to...
  13. S. E.

    Idea Center

    Evoli's sounds even sicker, and I'm sorry, but turning into a Pokemon is awesome no matter what. Evoli: 1 Male Gardevoir: 0
  14. S. E.

    Idea Center

    I think possibly what Exo and I are confused about is what you mean by "fan characters". I don't know about him, but I thought you meant fan characters from series in the Smash universe. Cartoons wouldn't fit in too well if you were to do that.
  15. S. E.

    Idea Center

    Make it? Do you have any idea what you intend on doing with the plot? (Yes, I know, I'm such a broken record)
  16. S. E.

    Idea Center

    I might join that. But I agree with Exo, it should only be fan characters.
  17. S. E.

    Idea Center

    You do realize there was an RP exactly like that on the old forums. Flareth's.
  18. S. E.

    Idea Center

    Oh, I see. I could help with that. I wouldn't be able to make the actual RP, though, because I've already got two others going on. DX But I'm thinking about putting Digitized on hiatus, considering I have zero ideas for what to do to move the plot along.
  19. S. E.

    Idea Center

    A planning committee for RitD? :o Of course, I wouldn't be any help, since there's no Kirby or Digimon arc I'm not familiar with any of the places. ... Gah, all of the sudden I started to think we should have a SSB arc. *beats head against monitor* Get that evil thought out of your mind! D<
  20. S. E.

    Idea Center

    It probably would be, actually. I think I killed any chance of anyone wanting to join one with mine. >.> It was teh suck, and you know it. It was just a spur of the moment, and because I didn't think it would last long, I didn't put much of an effort into it. So then I had to throw together this...
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