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Search results

  1. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    Greenland where...
  2. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    a dinosaur.
  3. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    opening a vortex, the doctor walks out and invites you into the TARDIS, but Time Psyduck steals the TARDIS and leaves the Dr behind
  4. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    drank vimto. But it was poisoned!, by..
  5. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    Go fire his lazar!
  6. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    the secret to the universe.
  7. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    went and jumped off a cliff. P.S: 200th Post! I'm a shiny new metapod
  8. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

  9. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    a wartortle, Knuckle Joe and a real living AK-47
  10. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    go to serebi's forums.
  11. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    I got bored off this game and took a long break, Drakarmour,Time Psyduck and loadsa other forum game masters come over and...
  12. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    Mario steals everyones sprites and rips them off as his own, Mewtwo,Chaostres and many other spriters are appauled!
  13. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    Terry unexpectedly saves everyone! him and his Articuno/pichu pokemon!
  14. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    The whole of TCod renact 300 and we put Darkarmour up for sacrifice.
  15. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    Ganon comes into our lair and tells us that we must die, I get up and the army of TCod face him and must make the last stand! Butterfree,Tailsy and Arylett lead the brigade into battle *dramatic eh?*
  16. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    and wipes out the COD memory bank, Butterfree comes up to me with a gun and...
  17. S.K

    Tales of Tcod

    Me! I sent out my Bidoof who kills his Dark Rayquaza and his family, then the beserked me goes in to ...
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