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Tales of Tcod

nobody. The group finally found Opaltiger, and took the stone from that member's body, as well as acheiving the sacrifice in one fell swoop. All that was left was...
Exo-Raikou to come back. Luckily, the keys were teleported under the chest by a mysterious thing. When the chest was unlcoked...
Thanks to the efforts of the Dinosaur, Exo-Raikou was (Finally) in control of his living self. Everyone on Tcod held a grand celebration that lasted three days and nights. After the party...
..everyone was too apathetic to go and defeat EeveeSkitty, so she sent an army of Eevees and Skitties to take everyone prisoner. Fortunately they missed someone, and that was...
Exo-Raikou, who set out to destroy the Eevees and Skitties. But he couldn't do it alone. So he opened a rift in time, and the one who came out to help him was...
They would have to instead fire it at an interdimensional mirror, which was conviently located right next to them. After that...
Exo-Raikou, who kept his memories becuase of his temporary death. Just when it seemed that everything would finally go back to nomral, an interdimensional portal opened again, and out came...
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