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  1. Saith


    That's... Actually pretty good, yeah.
  2. Saith


    Yup. That's what I said alright. I am transgender. :) I have a dick but I kinda wish I didn't. And that's what I meant, yeah. Call me 'he' if you want, it's cool, I understand. It makes more sense to me than xie or hir or whatever. I just don't like them because they sort of box me out, you...
  3. Saith


    I'd just like to go back to pronouns (and maybe explain my own pronoun field?) because I didn't see it mentioned. I don't like extra pronouns like sie and hir because, to me, it's just a method of othering. I realise that some people prefer them, and I'd respect that and use said pronouns, but...
  4. Saith


    Jolty, you are making my head hurt from confusion, and though you are blatantly trying to insult me, I will not give in. No. I will prevail.
  5. Saith


    Yeah, that's what I said. We're lower class, so we have a much lower chance of even reaching the point where we can say 'hey, you know what? I wanna go to uni!'. So the cycle continues - low education, get fat, have kids, they get a bad education, they get fat, etc etc'. Well the difference...
  6. Saith


    Pssst, I'm the most working-class motherfucker ever. Or whichever one's below working class, at least. <3
  7. Saith


    Well I don't think you should get infracted - freedom of speech and all that jazz - but I mean... I'm pretty sure everything I've said has been accurate. I wouldn't say it if I didn't. And also, I don't see how I'm being self-centered? I'm being condescending, yes, but that's... Kind of how you...
  8. Saith


    No. Trans* people don't like to be thought of as trans. That's where the term 'passing' (or 'blending', though that has racist overtones) comes from. That is, a trans chick doesn't want to be thought of as a dude or as a trans chick. She wants people to think of her as a chick. We want to be...
  9. Saith


    Look, pudgy, chubby, healthy roundness - that's not fat. That could be genetics, and lucky genetics too. Flab, though, can only really come from... Well... Over-eating and lack of exercise. Sure your metabolism can be effected by your genes, but the thing about your metabolism is that by doing...
  10. Saith


    Pretty much, yeah. I don't understand why you're all opposed to that?
  11. Saith


    Yeah, he's saying 'don't be a dick and call a trans-chick 'sir'.' I just don't believe in genetic fatness. No deep meaning behind it.
  12. Saith


    I agree with everything you said, except this. :)
  13. Saith


    Eh, the question marks made it more offensive than the language? It was somehow written in a valley-girl accent? Like this? Where everything you say sounds like a question? And you make the last word rise in pitch? Oh god, now I can't stop doing it?
  14. Saith


    So... You're saying that HRT is a placebo? Look, maybe I'm one of the 'lucky' ones, but I don't care about how people see me. I care about how - who - I am. The physical changes of HRT are nothing, in my opinion, compared to the mental and emotional ones. Hormones change your mental state...
  15. Saith


    Seriously. Whipping Girl. Totally goes over what you just asked. This is where I disagree. For me, gender is both a social concept and biological. Or rather, certain aspects of you are tied to your assigned-sex. A trans-gendered individual has problems relating to their sex just as much as...
  16. Saith


    Honestly guys? If you really care enough about gender to actually learn, you might as well read Whipping Girl. Hell, no, you should read Whipping Girl. It's a non-sensational study on gender written by a trans gendered woman. Who is also a Biologist. It isn't a shitty biography culminating in...
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