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Search results

  1. Saith

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    I guess this is a little relevant. I remember reading a book my some posh British World War One Guy with a whole bunch of titles (Viscount The Marquis etc etc etc) called The Art Of Leadership. It had about half a chapter dedicated to America, and it was about why America 'is going to be...
  2. Saith

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Why would the citizens of a country be jealous of another country's production? lol It's because your politics are a joke, your people - as a whole - are very easily shepherded towards the worst (and most profitable) decisions, and all those fucking war films that are all 'oh god america is...
  3. Saith

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Chipshop curry isn't from India, man. They don't have chipshops in India. We simply reverse-engineered perfection~
  4. Saith

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Which is even better than McDonalds. Mmm, British curry is the best curry. And I don't understand how a full English breakfast can be disgusting. Like really.
  5. Saith

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Nah we totally have McDonalds.
  6. Saith

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    The reason I hate America the country is because it has a stranglehold over, well, the Western world. British politics are being influenced more and more by America, American media pervades our entire society. Shit like that. I mean, there's also tradition of course. Most of Europe traditionally...
  7. Saith

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    I don't know man, I'm too busy burning the Jack to bother with y'all across the pond. Honestly though, I don't hate America the place. I don't hate Americans the people. I do hate America the country, though. It's, like, everything that's wrong with the Western world, distilled into textbooks...
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