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Search results

  1. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "omg ok lol aliz les go 2 cinarber eylend." snadra sed. "wat y am i lisenin 2 alen he hurd mi frend he thru hr al da wey 2 foosha."
  2. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "HORAY ORFAN GURL wil doo dat nao." sndara wen up 2 jan9 an tuk da badgesese. "ok nao wat doo we do." sh aksed aliz.
  3. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "jan9 aliz an i, orfan gurl chaleng u to a batl. WIN." zngosoe cam ot of teh pokebal and bet up jan9s pokeymon. ANILALATE.
  4. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "liek srsly i dunno lol." snadra said and lookd aroud her. den she saw a persn. "omg aliz its jan9!!!2."
  5. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "u bullyd mi an so did ur gf mitsy. y wold i giv u monee." sed sndarda tellepatheticly to sqirtl boi.
  6. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "oogh mayb teh sahfarry zon haz diktionerry. then we culd uze it an then go beet jan9." sed snadra.
  7. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "yah totelay! thats soo meen!!12" said snadra. "aliz wut shold wii do."
  8. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "omg sry i am makin desisions 4 aliz ops. but idk wut godmoding is 2 lol. so were shold wii go aliz." said snardra.
  9. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "omg i frgt. je9 is soooo kewl. lets go beet her seh is sooooo easier." snada and aliz go to seek jan9.
  10. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "omg horya 4 aliz' clifhengernes." snadra and aliz ZOOM of 2 foosha. "omg we r her nao lettuce beet koga." sndadra and alzi go 2 the gim. WIN.
  11. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    omg teh clifhenger was aliz!!!14235635/3. "omg aliz letuce go 2 foosha ton." ZOOOM.
  12. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    snadra went on her way 2 fuscha. "omg zngaosee. i am thisty. lesgo get sum wter. the 2 wen 2 a pnd but sumthin unekspektd hapen!! "omg what dat!!!" sndadra said askn 4 help omg clifhenger.
  13. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "omg aliz i am comin" snadra sed telepatheticly (she haz suprepowez b jelos she iz so speshil) to aliz and so snadra nad znagose wen 2 go 2 fushca.
  14. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "nuuu aliz mi frend" snadra shoted. she turnd 2 alen. "omg u r so meen@21234. go dy in a hol. no i gt 2 go fin mi frend."
  15. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "omg cunspirasy dere is no Mewotohree LOSE." sndra aproaced teh man wit de pokeball that had mewothere and smaked him an kik him. "omg stap mesin wit da profesee."
  16. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    snadr loked at aliz "omg u r soo kool u caht teh mmewotoe. evry1 nao worshipps u." snadra bowd don. "omg guiz u ned to respekt the gilr." snadra got up an smakd every1 exept aliz. thn snadr saw teh pokebal wit mewothree CUNSPIRASY.
  17. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "ew no alzi an i don wan 2 c u mak out thats natsy. aliz we stil ned 2 go cath mewotoe." at dis pont she grabed aliz' arm and dragd hr to a knew part of the cav lol. "hm wii ned to sruf ho do we do dat. OMG nvm mewotoe is hear!!! WIN"
  18. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "orly wel we don liek u ether!11!32." shoted snadraa. "NUH UH wii will gt the profesee frist lets go nao aliz."
  19. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "omg profesee man dats aganst the law liek rly im gnna tel the kops." snadra turnd to mitsy "its rood 2 slap othrs" so snadra kikd mitsy and sqirtle boi. "aliz lets go get mewotoe an fufil teh PROFESY.1da"
  20. Scootaloo

    Open legensof Canto; mewtoes ultimatem

    "lol its snadra doy" she turnd 2 the PROFESEE man. "omg rly hoo r u. cant u c this is aliz and i's cav lol" TOLD
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