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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunaltly, I'm happy you did that. Too much fortune is boring.
  2. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunatley, fortunaleys are fun!
  3. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunaly, you may be delusional.
  4. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunaly, I don't know what you mean. (Seriously O.o)
  5. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunaly, they all have Persim berries
  6. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Forntunaly, Arcues used Judgegment on the human race, and we were deemed unworthy to live xDD
  7. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    (Yes, that is very unfortunate.) Fortunatly, I have a spare muzzel. *Puts it on you*
  8. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunatly, I'll excuse your mean humer and merrily hum a rather cheery hum.
  9. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunaly, I'll never glomp you so you can't ever gang up with a group of people and beat me up.
  10. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunatly, I am a ghost a I didn't die. Now I will just brood moodily in cool places.
  11. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunatly, I've come back alive and I want to, er, scare people and stuff.
  12. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunaly, that squirt gun is filled with gasoline. *screams*
  13. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Unfortunatly, I'm a bug type, so I'm screwed.
  14. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunatly, you have my help!
  15. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunatley, this is unfortunate for her.
  16. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunatly, the water was really gasaline, so you are on fire also.
  17. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunatly, the water is just an illusion
  18. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Foranatley, I'm underwater!
  19. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fournatley, some bad person was at the highest point.
  20. Scyther

    Fortunately, Unfortunately

    Fortunataly, the octapus never took the shotgun.
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