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Search results

  1. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes looked back at Frost again, smiling, then looked at the others and sighed. This was already going from bad to worse, and he was unsure what to do about it. They're best choice at this time was to keep moving. If he could confirm his suspicions and figure...
  2. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes looked back at Frost suddenly, and walked back to her. He frowned, unsure of what to say. In the end, he just comforted her gently with a paw while keeping her moving, staying in the back and leaving Darius at the lead, who was still silent, walking quickly.
  3. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes actually chuckled, the first sign of a lighter mood since the eruption. "Calm down, Kerroi. When I said 'Help from our water friends' I meant asking them what they'd seen and if they could look for us. I'm not a fan of water myself, but it's best if we...
  4. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes looked at Shawn. "We're heading for the East coast, and probably, we'll try and get help from some of our water friends if they aren't in too much trouble. I'm not sure how many of you were around the last time something similar to this happened..." He...
  5. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Darius growled when Kammy piped up on how the eruption was "Awesome." He continued walking silently after that, except to say, "I'm already moving, but I could care less... I don't have anything else now, anyway..." Zaimes jogged ahead, giving a sad glance to...
  6. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes turned at the sound, his jaw also dropping. "...Oh no... No, no..." He choked on words for a moment. "...We have to keep going..." He doesn't look at Shawn, who he was sure was from the volcano. He seemed to avoid saying anything to Shawn, like he was...
  7. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes looked up at the bird with an angry glare. "We're not leaving anyone, you impatient, careless bird." The Absol looks back at Frost. "No one is going to hurt you, trust me. I'm Zaimes. We're going to be heading out of here as soon as possible... we've got...
  8. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn ((Um, I'm not even going to reply to that. My character pulled the branch of the tail or yours already...))
  9. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn The Quake slowly comes to a halt, the ground once again still. Under the roots of the tree, Darius rolls off of Zaimes, who slowly gets up and looks at Darius somewhat distastefully. Darius kind of just grins, and they climb out from the small hole in the ground...
  10. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Darius and Zaimes both got down, ducking under a large root and holding on. The quake hit then, rattling the ground and shaking loose a few bushes and roots as a part of the road heaved up. Darius was knocked over on top of Zaimes, who proceeded to complain...
  11. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes turned to Shawn. "We're heading east. I want to confirm something, if you're willing to head that way. It means going to the sea." The Absol then looked at the bird and sighed. This one clearly didn't understand the importance of what was happening...
  12. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Darius this time went to say something to the Nidoran, but she'd already dived into the brush. The sounds that came out made the Petrolfhar a bit worried. After a moment, they stopped, and he watched the Nidoran drag a Growlithe out, at which he stepped back...
  13. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes chuckled, and looked over his shoulder at the bird. He grinned and shook his head a bit. "Not all carry things with them. I understand that you can't be sure without an actual attempt, but some may take it wrong, like we did. I'm sure there's no harm done...
  14. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes took in the slurred, fast talking, seemed to ponder it for a moment, and then responded. "Yes, the voice that spoke of finding others and standing up to the disasters coming." He looked back at the dragon and the Nidoran, then back at the bird. "Also, I...
  15. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes jumped between the bird and the others, swinging his head, and then growling loudly, a dark aura surrounding him as he unleashed a Snarl at the bird. "Enough!" He yelled afterwards. "We do not need fighting right now!" He glared at the bird. "If you are...
  16. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Zaimes took a step back at the 'pop' of the Nidoran's jaw, clearly a bit disturbed. He did not like this. Nidoran didn't usually have abilities usually limited to the snake Pokémon. It just made him feel a little sick. The Absol regained his composure after a...
  17. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Darius slowly turned and then stumbled backwards when he saw the dragon had reared up. That thing was -big-, though maybe it was the feathers too, not just the height. It still freaked him a bit. The Petrolfhar wasn't a huge fan of things bigger than him. Zaimes...
  18. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn At the sound of a strong, assertive, questioning voice, Darius snapped to. He heard the question alright, if the dragon and, supposedly another beyond the brush, had heard it. At this point he guessed he'd get involved. He didn't think it mattered, but this guy...
  19. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Re: Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn Darius had turned east at this point, and soon had to duck under a tree as the rain poured on him. It seemed he'd gone from one area to another in the region, and he'd been walking a lot long then he thought. He dropped heavily to the ground from the sudden...
  20. ShinyUmbreonX3

    Open Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn

    Pokémon - Legends of Hoenn The day was peaceful, the sky was clear and then sun shone brightly. It was calm, compared to earlier that day, when the quake rumbled through the area. The Pokémon were huddled, unsure whether another quake would come soon. The quakes had been happening for almost a...
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