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Search results

  1. Silver

    Fairly Interesting Mafia [VILLAGER WIN]

    Yay I helped kill the mafia :) YOU CAN'T TRICK ME SYL
  2. Silver

    Fairly Interesting Mafia [VILLAGER WIN]

    Re: Fairly Interesting Mafia [Day 4] YAY at least she wasn't alien :3 And I guess it's Pig-Serpent now. Two birds with one stone :3
  3. Silver

    Fairly Interesting Mafia [VILLAGER WIN]

    Re: Fairly Interesting Mafia [Day 4] Um. Um...one way or another if Syl dies we may lose due to votes so I might as well, DAY KILL: InvaderSyl, and you can't blame me if we lose cuz you guys already voted for her. I hope she isn't alien :x
  4. Silver

    Fairly Interesting Mafia [VILLAGER WIN]

    Re: Fairly Interesting Mafia [Day 4] I actually didn't kill anyone last night o-o I still have two kills though, should I just do it for proof? So confusing :(
  5. Silver

    Fairly Interesting Mafia [VILLAGER WIN]

    Re: Fairly Interesting Mafia [Day 3] Uh, I think I'll go for either Pig-Serpent(for being inactive) or Terezi Pyrope(for being inactive), or I could do a day kill for the sake of proof. Then I would have one chance left.
  6. Silver

    Fairly Interesting Mafia [VILLAGER WIN]

    Re: Fairly Interesting Mafia [Day 3] Um, Phantom just to even out the votes so I don't die today.
  7. Silver

    Fairly Interesting Mafia [VILLAGER WIN]

    Re: Fairly Interesting Mafia [Day 3] Limited Vigilante. And I have to turn in a kill tonight so I don't die. I don't have a clue who to target tonight :P
  8. Silver

    Fairly Interesting Mafia [VILLAGER WIN]

    Re: Fairly Interesting Mafia [Day 3] Hey guys wait, I'm here. Been busy :P Don't kill me off yet, I was responsible for the death the first night but that was an accident :P I only get three kills and I don't want to waste them on the wrong person. (hence Superbird) I only have two kills left...
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