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Search results

  1. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

    shinyabsol is disqualified. Anya and Charmander get 1 exp each. Pathos gets $8. I get $5. ETA: If I'm not mistaken, this is shinyabsol's first battle, so an extra $15 to me.
  2. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

    Around 32 hour DQ warning for shinyabsol
  3. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

    Team Pathos Murkrow Anya (Female) Ability: Super Luck Health: 48% Energy: 57% Status: Stupid rocks >:(. +2Sp.Atk. +2Sp.Def. Team shinyabsol charmander Charmander (Male) Ability: Blaze Health: 39% Energy: 68% Status: Depressed. (10% risk of being fully paralyzed) -1Sp.Atk. Round 5 Anya...
  4. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

  5. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

    Team Pathos Murkrow Anya (Female) Ability: Super Luck Health: 68% Energy: 61% Status: Afraid of getting impaled by falling debris but otherwise ready to inflict more pain. +2Sp.Atk. +2Sp.Def. Team shinyabsol charmander Charmander (Male) Ability: Blaze Health: 63% Energy: 80% Status: The...
  6. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

    Team Pathos Murkrow Anya (Female) Ability: Super Luck Health: 81% Energy: 75% Status: Sucess. +2Sp.Atk. +2Sp.Def. Commands: Substitute (10%) ~ Dark Pulse / Calm Mind / Air Cutter x2 Team shinyabsol charmander Charmander (Male) Ability: Blaze Health: 88% Energy: 90% Status: I'm gonna have...
  7. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

    Team Pathos Murkrow Anya (Female) Ability: Super Luck Health: 81% Energy: 92% Status: Mmm. Burned +2Sp.Atk. +2Sp.Def. Commands:Taunt ~ Psycho Shift / Snarl x2 Team shinyabsol charmander Charmander (Male) Ability: Blaze Health: 100% Energy: 91% Status: Rawr. Mild paralysis (17% risk of being...
  8. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

    Among the numerous buildings of Asber lie many unused, apparently abandoned warehouses filled with crates. None of the people in the surrounding area can tell with certainty what the boxes contain, but one thing's for sure. They've been collecting dust since the foundation of Asber. It is in one...
  9. Skylark

    shinyabsol vs. Pathos

    shinyabsol's active squad -Charmander (Male - Blaze) -Absol (Male - Pressure) Pathos' active squad -Mal (Male Electabuzz - Static - Electirizer - Body Modification: Static Heat - Move Modification: Triboelectric Effect) -Alec (Male Golbat - Inner Focus - Black Sludge) -Katara (Male...
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