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Search results

  1. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Oh...uh...how do I give cred- oh, right, siggy... Though I just check CW and that one is gold, yet I found it as silver on google...with the word SSBB, and a blue collar...and blue eyes...
  2. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Ho-oh: 1 Umbreon: 1 Delibird: 1 Ampharos: 1 Mightyena: 1 Lucario: 1 Thanks for the comment Blastoise, I found it originally on google images, and edited it to have the earring and red eye, along with the name Ricolan. Blastoise: Uxie, intelligent, kind, but nasty to be angered, and quite...
  3. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Ho-oh: 1 Umbreon: 1 Delibird: 1 Ampharos: 1 Mightyena: 1 Woo, mah pokesona evolved, watch out everyone, he feels evil now! Er...Slart is a Xatu. Logical, but somewhat annoying...
  4. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Ho-oh: 1 Umbreon: 1 Delibird: 1 Ampharos: 1 I feel confused... Notory: I'd say your a chingling, despite your cute-ish presence, you have a big voice, and can be relatively underestimated...
  5. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    ...I feel so uncared for... I've done quite a few of you, but no-ones done me...
  6. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Goody now I'm either; Umbreon: 1 Ho-oh: 1 I feel like I'm being represented by a dark and powerful being...oh look, candy! Minkow = Wigglytuff, now eat your damn perfect apple!
  7. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Me: Umbreon: 1 (dunno how it works, but oh well!) Uh...Grass King = Bellosm, I dunno, he just is, relatively freindly, and I see him as something small, with a a relatively unexpected amount of power to such size. (Hate Gardenia's Bellosm in battle house, drain punch from it does great amounts...
  8. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    ME: Oh, wait, nobody's done me!
  9. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Zoltea...hmm...bored, to much time on hands, loves games, never serious, uh...Aipom!
  10. Spatz

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    MG - Seems to me as well, your username...I feel fail... Full Meatal Cokies - Skitty! Walter - Umbreon katsu_midnight - Slightly weighted meowth...
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