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Search results

  1. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    Skyman says to call in an e-ref for this, so... if anyone feels like it? :3 I could buy them something in return, or something.
  2. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    Summergale hasn't been on since the fifth, so I think it's safe to ask for an e-ref for this. Unspecified something for whoever does it.
  3. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll handle that.
  4. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    My battle vs. ILS needs an e-ref. Unspecified something in return for whoever does it.
  5. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    This is now over three weeks over the DQ. Anybody fancy it?
  6. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll take Mendatt vs. RK-9. Expect it today or, more likely, tomorrow. Also I'm trying to cheer her up I hope I can succeed
  7. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    Oh dear a three-way battle ;.; I'll try, and it will be up soon. EDIT: Or well, it will be up once Negrek answers my question.
  8. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    So Linooney said his battles should get e-refs! This one is applicable. I'll be happy to ref a battle of the choice of whoever takes it, if you like.
  9. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll take it, and have it up sometime today. In return... well, these two need refs, so whichever you'd like to do most, I guess.
  10. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll take it. Expect the reffing sometime today.
  11. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll ref it! I like excuses to test my move generator! You may need to wait till tomorrow afternoon though... going to bed soon, school tomorrow. But do it I will.
  12. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll take that, if you're willing to wait till tonight for the reffing.
  13. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll take Pumpkinhead vs. Hyde. Reffing shortly.
  14. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I can! Up soon. (Man e-reffings are easy money)
  15. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll take these two. Reffings up soonish.
  16. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    I'll do that and use Skylark's idea. Reffing will be up soon.
  17. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    Okay, this is becoming ridiculous. Five weeks and two days since the last post. Me and Blastoise agreed via PM to end it in a draw, so we just need someone to wrap up the battle in shiny paper and big, sparkly ribbon and give out experience and whatot.
  18. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    Oh, okay. No real need to redo the round I think, since the only problem is a small clause in the End of Round Notes saying '(4% per round)'. With that removed, it should be fine.
  19. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    My battle with Blastoise has ground to a halt as Pentimento, having made an error last round with Double Team, has vanished for eleven days. If anyone would like to cover it, it would be appreciated.
  20. Squornshellous Beta

    Emergency Referee Outpost

    Psymon has advised us to get an E-ref, so the battle of me vs. Blastoise is up for grabs. *Digs large pit, lines bottom with spikes, covers with sheet and grass and places Ref bait in the middle* Come and get it!
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