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  1. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom You know, IIRC Butterfree actually said that she's planning to come over here when she's done with college or something and might host some kind of TCoDCon.
  2. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom DA, try the practice reffings that Negrek posts in the Referee HQ. Maybe some of the past ones that you haven't tried yet.
  3. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Oh yeah? Well, I have WELCOME MATS that chew on human feet. Also vegetarian ones. Don't give them sugar.
  4. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom You know what? I'm gonna do a Wargle. ... The air is spiked. The cookies are spiked. The food is spiked. The drinks are spiked. Have fun being drunk, guys! *flies away*
  5. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom wOaH kArKaT, cAlM tHe MoThErFuCk DoWn.
  6. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Doughnut hamburgers, anyone?
  7. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Everyone knows Bagon can fly too! *crash*
  8. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom It does. It's called #tcod. Basically, if you have an IM program, it's room #tcod on the server irc.veekun.com. If you don't have an IM program, go to mibbit.com; it will work.
  9. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Hi, White Queen! Yeah, if you mouseover the person's username for a few seconds their previous usernames will appear. And may I say while I'm here that Cloudy's avatar is adorable. Again.
  10. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom no making Matrix references here. Actually, I'm in and out a lot, but I have an indestructable millitary-grade security camera over there.
  11. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Sorry, bro, but the Minecraft thread is another forum down.
  12. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom No. Just no. I have enough crap to attend to. Like actual reffings.
  13. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom SUPERBIRD used REF. The attack failed.
  14. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Hmm...If DarkAura sends out a Flying type I'll go with my Ditto, but otherwise it's my Combusken that's coming out.
  15. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom no. just no. Sigilyph took it out with two Stored Powers. Charizard with two Dragon Pulses. Aerodactyl with one Stone Edge.
  16. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom ...Uh, your Articuno, Regice and Kyurem were, like, no match for Aerodactyl, Charizard and Sigilyph. Sorry if I injured them too much...
  17. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom *sends out Snover as well*
  18. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom hey wait how did you get out of that snowstorm *sends out Abomasnow*
  19. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Cann I have some tepig and exxegute please?
  20. Superbird

    Café of Doom

    Re: Café of Doom Wonderful job, Invisichomp! *recalls Invisichomp and puts it back before anyone finds out*
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