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Search results

  1. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: Don't worry, I'll take care of her.
  2. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *looks at almost-empty wallet* Boy, am I glad my best friends are Meowth and Kecleon. ..Wait, sushi? *begins to nom very fastly*
  3. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: ...you're just being mean now. You know what, I'm gonna go leave for a few minutes. *flies off*
  4. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: WH—— Oh no. You didn't. You couldn't have. NO! *struggles to keep anger under control* In the future, please...do...not...kill...torchics...*cries*
  5. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *brings in at least eleven plates of sushi* Waaaaay ahead of you, Avi. *eats a Feebas from the pile* Here we have Feebas Sushi. And here magikarp sushi. And remoraid sushi and octillery sushi—that's a delicacy in Côte D'ivoire—and finneon sushi and...uh...goldeen sushi and chinchou...
  6. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    OOC: How about this: We turn in all of 'em, then you use whichever one's the best for the grading! After all, you always like free food, right? swellow: Oh, I forgot! *starts rapidly rolling a lot of sushi* Anyone mind if I eat one of these Feebas? I'm famished!
  7. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *drives up in a large tractor-trailer filled the brim with Feebas* Avicual, doesn't this look like enough to you? Arceus, once you find them they're so freaking common...Anyway, that looks like plenty of Vannilish and Vanillite. And good idea with the Vanilluxe!
  8. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *has found way into Mt. Cornet and is sitting on a rock just picking Feebas out of that one tile of water and tossing them behind himself* Do you think this is enou—Oh, there's another one!~
  9. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    party]swellow: *flies off to get some Vanillite and Feebas*
  10. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: Jeez, Lavender! Haven't you ever tried Magikarp? It's, like, the grossest thing ever! Feebas, on the other hand, are absolutely delectable, if you can find them. I'll help with catching them, by the way. And your other ideas are amazing!
  11. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *puts on red food coloring* What? I like purple ice cream more than blue ice cream!
  12. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *picks up bomb carefully and tosses it to Avicual, along with the Dynamite* ...Why was that there?
  13. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: A regular Pokémon contest?
  14. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: I like Titress's idea! I also like how Ghosts can't do anything to me! C=
  15. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: yay Avi is still here!
  16. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *shakes Avecual off face* I sure as heck am NOT leaving this place yet.
  17. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *hugs*
  18. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *sigh*, dang it. I was hoping that we could, like, not fight and actually win, but I guess that didn't quite happen.
  19. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *uses Agility to make it easier for all of us to dodge (mystery dungeon Agility, not game agility), uses Air Slash on the other team's planes*
  20. Superbird

    Poke Drama Island!!

    swellow: *laughs* Avecual, I'd prefer you didn't. It slows me down.
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