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Search results

  1. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

  2. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I'm having trouble motivating myself in these last few days. I'm without a buffer, so I'm worried that I might fail before the last day. How do I remedy this?
  3. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Congratulations to Cloudy / Popcorn the Plot Bunny, who has successfully achieved the normal 50,000 words. To everyone else, YOU CAN DO IT! At the beginning of a month it took 2 and a half hours to do the 1667 words. Now it only takes one and a half. I like this!
  4. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I find video game music / classical / jazz is best for that purpose; otherwise, I get caught up on the lyrics.
  5. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    You can do it!
  6. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    STORY HOW DARE YOU i did not want either of those two to start having romantic feelings for each other and now they do and its all your fault i demand you to fix this right now or theyre both going to die in the last chapter you hear me? It's startling to think that I'm already 40% there.
  7. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Word war has been updated (finally!). People should not be giving up now. Now is the time when it's hardest, I feel. The second week. Once that's over, I think it's much easier to go on. So don't give up, people. Even if you're still behind, there's time to catch up! You can do it! ...and I...
  8. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    I think my story isn't going to end up with a happy ending. I've been considering doing something deliberately so that it would turn out to be that way, just because no one ever writes sad endings where the hero doesn't win, but this...the story might spiral into this. I want to see how it...
  9. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    The word war statistics so far will be in a soon-to-be created thread.
  10. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    *sigh* I wish they had the word count widgets up. Either way, I'll make some sort of post with the people involved in the next few days; and when they do come out with some sort of widget then I'll sig that.
  11. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Okay: quick question. Will my word count reset to zero when NaNo starts? That aside, I am officially starting a word war. On the...let's say the 25th, I'll divide everyone who wants to participate into teams. Until then, everyone who wants to participate should post their NaNo ID#.
  12. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Hey, we should have a word war! Now how do we set that up...
  13. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Well, neither had she. I told her, then everyone else in the class found out and hated me for a few days because they thought the was going to increase the already-big workload. Then that happened. Apparently she's participating herself, so. She prob'ly wants to grade as few papers as possible...
  14. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Apparently my English teacher is actually going to let up on homework in November, and the full 50,000 words will count as extra credit. YES.
  15. Superbird

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Well, I technically finished the story last year, but it didn't actually make 50,000 words. Capped itself at about 46,000, it did. So this year I'm trying to go off of nothing short of a detailed outline. It's bad to be unprepared, and I figure the 'no planning' restriction only really means...
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