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Search results

  1. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Kit chuckles a little at the wordless girl. She didn't seem to have any words about her landing or on where she is. He reaches down to the clasp of her cloak and removes it, folding it and resting it to his side. He lays her down until she was flat on the floor and lifts his staff, the orb at...
  2. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Kit smiles as he felt the clothe in the water, his eyes opening to glowing green slits. He curls his fingers in the loose clothe and pulls his prize smoothly through the water. He flinches as the girl lands next to him with a thump, a sorry smile on his face. "Sorry miss Edna...didn't mean for...
  3. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    ((Alright. I'm moving this forward enough to allow FMC to get her ass back to us.)) Kit remained still from where he sat, bowl of water in his lap. His eyes remain trained on the surface for any flicker of life. He softly hums and continues to watch the ripples change colours, the soft glow...
  4. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    ((Alright. I'm moving this forward enough to allow FMC to get her ass back to us.)) Kit remained still from where he sat, bowl of water in his lap. His eyes remain trained on the surface for any flicker of life. He softly hums and continues to watch the ripples change colours, the soft glow...
  5. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Kit smiles and looks back at the large pup, folding his arms behind him. "Good question. We are here to have a good meal, a safe haven to rest, and for me to gather information on our enemy..." Kit then walks over to a bowl resting on the table, tapping his finger on the clear water surface...
  6. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Rose rolls her eyes and shoves past the dog at the door, picking up a bucket that rested outside. She goes to the well that sat next to her and her sister's home and started to draw the water. Snow on the toehr hand smiles and pulls on the large puppy's leg a bit. "No no, all of you come...
  7. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Both girls hop back as they see the large dog enter their house. Snow let out a loud squeak and hides behind a sofa, looking over it and watching Iortheayr. Rose holds up her spoon and starts to go toward him, when Kit wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her off the ground. "This is one...
  8. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    The small girl unlatches from Kit and walks out of the house and studies the others that the wizard brought with him. He taps her foot a bit, thinking about how much food she'd had to add to the stew, when one of Kit's companions spoke out to her. She turned and looked at the odd tree spirit...
  9. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Kit turns to the air-walker, glancing at the bushes that showed no sign of battle or fighting. He gives the dog a questioning look before turning back to the path and nearing the small house at the end. "They will be fine. My servants are out in the woods...they'll bring those two back soon...
  10. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    The wolf gets to her feet, dragging the girl up with him and glares at the overgrown mutt before him. He rolled his eyes at his spiel on whom he was and what he says he is, spitting a bit of blood out of him mouth. "That is all quite amusing, but that doesn't mean you can do anything about...
  11. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    The wolf twists his body and rolls the dog off of his back with ease, turning his head to face the offending pup. He let out a growl, reaching his paw out to the dog's scruff and lifting him up roughly by the neck. "Seems another has trespassed on Mistresses land. These little pests are...
  12. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    The brothers smile down at the odd kitten, crossing their arms over their chests and lean on each other for support. The one Miyu asked flicks his hair back over his left ear and let out a amused sigh. "He'd tell you to tale the Right path, but he'd be wrong. It's the Left path you must take...
  13. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "If she is alive...then we may be able to save her. But we can't do that by leaving this path." Kit then closes his eyes, a soft glow appearing around his form. A pale red light swirls around his body, nine licks of the light flicking behind him like tails before flaying from him and entering...
  14. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "The fox is one of hers!" Kit swings his staff out and a great light starts to collect in it's tip. He muttered a few words as the staff grew brighter and brighter. He glances over at the others that voiced their concerns, a soft growl to his voice. "The foolish girl left the path and now she...
  15. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    ((Guys...Kit restored the power to them...)) The wolf drags the girl further into the forest, keeping his paw on her mouth. He smirks over to his brother and beckons him closer. "Now...what shall we do with this little thing? Shall we eat her, bring her to Mistress, or have a little fun?" He...
  16. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    The wolf nears the clearing where the young girl in a cloak perched. He smirks at his luck and slinks through the bush soundlessly behind her. He reaches out his paws and pulls the back of her cloak and slapping his other paw over her mouth to stifle her scream. -------------- The bushes where...
  17. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    (*cackles* Now for some punishment!) A ear flicks as a ripple of magic flows through the forest, informing the ones that dwell and serve the Witch that someone has trespassed. The wolf draws himself up and looks in the direction the sense came from, a smirk cracking his face. He turns to his...
  18. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Kit shakes his head, traveling toward them. "I'm afraid not. If any of you flyers fly over the tree tops, you'll lose us and be lost. But please, do scout ahead. If you start to smell stew brewing then you'll be pointed in the right way, but we warned. There is a fork in the road ahead with two...
  19. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Kit shakes his head bit as the air-walker dog passed him on the path. He moves after the dog swiftly, a soft chuckle in his throat. "We are to travel to a old hut that ends at this path. Inside is a friend of mine that will provide shelter for us. They are part of the few that can still resist...
  20. Sylph

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Kit looks back at the dragon, glancing at the tree tops. He shakes his head sadly and crosses his arms. "It will be a tight fit to fly...you need to stay under the tree tops or you'll be lost and likely captured by the very trees that are under her spell. If you think you can keep us in sight...
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