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  1. Tailsy


    I don't think opaltiger was asking you, Pwnemon.
  2. Tailsy


    That's not a very good rebuttal :(
  3. Tailsy


    I'm not seeing the issue. Every operation and treatment possible in the UK can be done for free. I don't see why abortion should be treated differently. If a private surgeon can do it, why can't one on the NHS? Because my slutty whore ways are damaging the healthcare system??
  4. Tailsy


    Oh good. I'm glad I can make my own choice to have an abortion without being looked down upon or refused by others because my reason 'isn't good enough' due to living in a country with universal healthcare, then! If abortions are legal, everyone should be able to have one (accepting obvious...
  5. Tailsy


    BBL, talking to the foetus in-utero with no brain or pain receptors to find out if it wants aborted or not That's not even an argument. It's just... ludicrous.
  6. Tailsy


    Yeah, I'm going to say 'well shit' and have an abortion, so that me and my boyfriend can move the fuck on with our lives. I'm not ready to have a child. And I never said anything about STDs? My boyfriend and I are both clean; I'm not a ~sexual deviant~, thank you very much. :) And in the UK...
  7. Tailsy


    In hysterics here. Wow, basic biology - there are only days where a woman is more fertile. You can get pregnant even when you're on your period. And haha, what? There are contraceptives for a reason! I want to have sex, but I don't want a baby, so I'll do the sensible thing and use a condom or...
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