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Search results

  1. Thorne

    League of Legends

    It does take a while to get into this sort of game, yes. Though if you feel you need a bit of training you can create a custom game against bots, and there are plenty of guides for various characters if you need such a thing.
  2. Thorne

    League of Legends

    I'm too busy being in love with Vayne to actually care about the magic rock mage guy.
  3. Thorne

    League of Legends

    I've actually found a build that works now, so it's not a problem anymore. I use Ionian Boots of Lucidity, The Brutalizer, Sunfire Cape, Wit's End, Frozen Mallet and Atma's Impaler. If I get some spare cash after finishing the Atma's I make a Youmuu's Ghostblade. This build makes you really...
  4. Thorne

    League of Legends

    I never got to try out Dominion, actually. Mostly because I spent time doing other things and fapping about, trying out a new Renekton build. Also forgive me but I don't like the deep sea Kog'Maw skin a whole lot, to be honest.
  5. Thorne

    League of Legends

    I was suspecting that this topic might had been made before, but the other thread is dead so I'll use that as an excuse I guess. In other news, New Champion Rotation. Riot Games must be reading my mind because I have been dying to try out Heimerdinger. But I am terrible at this gaem D: Also...
  6. Thorne

    League of Legends

    Well, DotA was based on Warcraft, but DotA had roots in a similar mod for Starcraft named Aeons of Strife, if I remember correctly.
  7. Thorne

    League of Legends

    http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/ League of Legends is a free to play action strategy game made by the creators of DotA, a popular Warcraft mod. Each player take control of a powerful "Champion" and duke it out in a 3v3 or 5v5 match. Either team wins by muscling their way into the enemies base...
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