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League of Legends


It's feeding time

League of Legends is a free to play action strategy game made by the creators of DotA, a popular Warcraft mod. Each player take control of a powerful "Champion" and duke it out in a 3v3 or 5v5 match. Either team wins by muscling their way into the enemies base and destroying a large structure called the "Nexus." Supporting both teams are "minions" which are small hooded figures that act as meat shields against dangerous turrets that are otherwise guaranteed to kill but the hardiest of players.

With a massive roster of 82 champions*, all with different playstyles and roles, there's definitively going to be one for you. In addition there are tons of skins that change the appearances of champions, though they can only be bought with real money.

* However only ten randomly picked ones can be played each week, but you can permanently buy a champions using either real money or influence points that you get by winning.

I must admit it took me a while to get into this game, but I really like it now, after some persuasions from a few friends. A friend of mine gave me one of his accounts on the American servers, so I regularly jump between playing on American and North/east Europe. My current favourite champions are Kog'Maw and Twitch.

So, does anyone else play League of Legends, or are you perhaps interested? It's free to play, and there's several ways to train against CPU's if you don't want to throw yourself into the multiplayer early on.


oh well whatever I'm ArtsyAlraune. add me and stuff and we'll fight people

Also I thought the Starcraft DOTA was SOTIS?

My current favourite champions are Kog'Maw and words words words

1v1 Kog vs Kog RIGHT NOW
I was suspecting that this topic might had been made before, but the other thread is dead so I'll use that as an excuse I guess.

In other news, New Champion Rotation. Riot Games must be reading my mind because I have been dying to try out Heimerdinger.

1v1 Kog vs Kog RIGHT NOW

But I am terrible at this gaem D:

Also which server do you play on?
To save time I guess I will just tell you that she is on the NA server (I am also, but it's been like months since I played, idk too much stuff to do and everyone is off by the time I am home)
as was pretty much everyone in that old thread I posted, I guess...? vOv

(I didn't know people had taken to ridiculous locations on their profiles again! neat.)
I never got to try out Dominion, actually. Mostly because I spent time doing other things and fapping about, trying out a new Renekton build.

Also forgive me but I don't like the deep sea Kog'Maw skin a whole lot, to be honest.
I was referring more to my hella sweet score (I've yet to finish below the top three as Attack Speed Kog in Dominion, though I usually prefer AP) but eh that's okay :P

So you like Renekton too? He's my fighter if I manage to get that spot on a team. That usually doesn't happen, though. Fighters are the new AD carries, in that everybody likes to autolock as soon as the champ select comes up. :I They still show up a lot in Dominion but fortunately AP and tanks seem to be much less vital so you can almost just play whoever. At least for now. Right now the metagame for it is very young and seems to just be piling on movement speed, attack speed and attack damage (i.e. stacking Zeals)

What build were you trying out? A friend linked me a a "fatmog" guide that was a joke or troll thread or something (Warmogs + Atma's Impaler) but it actually works pretty well if you're not having a slow farm game.
I've actually found a build that works now, so it's not a problem anymore. I use Ionian Boots of Lucidity, The Brutalizer, Sunfire Cape, Wit's End, Frozen Mallet and Atma's Impaler.

If I get some spare cash after finishing the Atma's I make a Youmuu's Ghostblade. This build makes you really bulky, allowing you to easily win 1v2 once you pop Dominus and you still do plenty of damage. People WILL run from you if they get see you coming because they know they can't win 1v1 most of the time.

In other news, new champion rotation, this time around, there's Rumble for me to enjoy.

I do love me some Rumble.
So does anyone else have a boner for Xerath? I want him so bad. He's like... Kog mixed with Lux with bulkiness or something! SO MUCH WANT
I really suck at this game and I don't much understand how to play either despite the tutorial. :/ I tend to try and play as Riven, though I hardly ever get to. She and Ashe are my favorite Champions from what I know of the game (outside of the tutorial a few months back I've only played one game and that was yesterday.)
It does take a while to get into this sort of game, yes. Though if you feel you need a bit of training you can create a custom game against bots, and there are plenty of guides for various characters if you need such a thing.
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