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Search results

  1. Valerunner

    President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

    My great grandfather is still alive. He pushed some guy off the guard tower during the Holocaust. Anyway. The same thing could be said for the Darfur War. 450k losses and it's still going on. But no one even takes a second glance because a plane's near the Empire State Building.
  2. Valerunner

    President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

    Alright, not even gonna touch the gay subject. 9/11 was 8 YEARS AGO. Let go of it. The Sea Empress Disaster in Milton Keyes(sp?). Did anyone panic when a ship went close to the sharp, pointy rocks? No. To the rest of the world, a plane hit two towers. Woo. If that were anywhere else, no one...
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