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President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

S'good - no one's asking you to love 'em, just to tolerate them and not take away their rights because you think they're gross. :D

Now back to pigs with Obama flu flying Manhattan low over planes.

*pops in*

Isn't it N1H1?

And yes, telephone is fun =)

*pops out*

EDIT: Or rather, H1N1 according to the CDC. Mass hysteria says N1H1, though.
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okay so, so very,very soon after 9,11 . Everyones(not me) Beloved president Obama decided to fly a jet low, over....you guessed it... MANHATTAN
wow...duche>.> people freaked out and all that great stuff ,david letterman just said "isnt this someting you expect from the Bush Administration?"
>.< what a NOOB!
This is wrong by the way. It wasn't Air Force One seeing as Obama wasn't on the plane.
S'good - no one's asking you to love 'em, just to tolerate them and not take away their rights because you think they're gross. :D

Now back to pigs with Obama flu flying Manhattan low over planes.


Actually, no, we're not asking for tolerance. Tolerance can go suck a cunt. We want acceptance.
*pops in*

Isn't it N1H1?

And yes, telephone is fun =)

*pops out*

EDIT: Or rather, H1N1 according to the CDC. Mass hysteria says N1H1, though.

Logic says that it's still just Swine Flu. Screw these high-brow acronyms. The name Swine Flu works.
Alright, not even gonna touch the gay subject.

9/11 was 8 YEARS AGO. Let go of it.

The Sea Empress Disaster in Milton Keyes(sp?). Did anyone panic when a ship went close to the sharp, pointy rocks? No.

To the rest of the world, a plane hit two towers. Woo. If that were anywhere else, no one would even take a second glance. A plane's close to famous landmarks. ONOES.

Also, the swine flu. Did we die from SARS? did we die from MRSA? Hell, did we die from anthrax? There was even a breakout of swine flu years back. Do you see the four horsemen? No.

Calm the fuck down.
To the rest of the world, a plane hit two towers. Woo. If that were anywhere else, no one would even take a second glance. A plane's close to famous landmarks. ONOES.
Well that's kind of overtrivializing because 9/11 was pretty fucking horrible actually.

But yeah they've 'paid back' Iaq (for some reason) in buckets so it's hard to feel very sorry for America nowadays.
Well that's kind of overtrivializing because 9/11 was pretty fucking horrible actually.

Eh, not to mention, though most of America is pretty "Oh that was horrible so bad for them oh well" about 9/11, this was MANHATTAN. As in, it's very likely that a good percentage of the people there lost someone to it, like spouses and co-workers and fathers and mothers and maybe children and so on. I don't know if you've ever lost someone close to you, but even eight years later it's pretty hard to just move on, especially if it seems like it's going to happen all over again. Yeah.

But Manhattan had post-marital gay sex with a pig named Obama in a plane.
I wish everyone that complained about 9/11, the holocaust, and such would eat a donkey dick, or educate themselves and learn about Darfur, Rwanda, Chechnya, etc.
My great grandfather died when a guard landed on him from a guard tower.
My great grandfather is still alive. He pushed some guy off the guard tower during the Holocaust.

Eh, not to mention, though most of America is pretty "Oh that was horrible so bad for them oh well" about 9/11, this was MANHATTAN. As in, it's very likely that a good percentage of the people there lost someone to it, like spouses and co-workers and fathers and mothers and maybe children and so on. I don't know if you've ever lost someone close to you, but even eight years later it's pretty hard to just move on, especially if it seems like it's going to happen all over again. Yeah.

The same thing could be said for the Darfur War. 450k losses and it's still going on. But no one even takes a second glance because a plane's near the Empire State Building.
The World Trade Center was made so that it'd never fall or collapse. But I do see your point with the Darfur War- I didn't even know it existed until you mentioned it. I apologize for my ignorance. Sorry for the stupidity of my country. America is very... loud :/. Obama was still being a douche, though. He should be turned into a gyro
My great grandfather outlived your pussy-ass great grandfathers.

One hundred and six, bitches!
Ignoring Darfur has absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11. It has to do with American ignorance and arrogance. If you ask someone on the street they'll probably know nothing about atrocities elsewhere. That doesn't mean they won't care.

Where'd you get the idea we got pissed off about a couple of buildings? And it's pretty disgusting that you'd trivialize a terrorist attack that killed a bunch of people and traumatized even more, just because in comparison to other events, it resulted in a less severe loss of life. You can't treat these lives like they're just statistics.

and yes, I think people should let go of 9/11. just like we should let go of the holocaust and everything else. they happened, we can't fucking do anything about it. but we can't ... just act like it wasn't a big deal. just stop dwelling on it.
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