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President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

I'm sure all these homosexuals who are denied basic human rights, get bullied, violently attacked or killed in the street or by the government today (and in the past) are feeling very silly they chose to be gay now!

Why would someone choose to be gay when society in general looks down upon it? Nobody would ever choose to not be able to get married if they wanted to.

True to Vladimir,

Departure Song ....? o.0
All I'm getting from this topic is that Obama flying over Manhattan made everyone gay and want to marry each other.
I don't even see why it matters if it's a choice or not. Even if it is a choice (and there is evidence to suggest it is not, unless I'm wrong), it is a "choice" regarding a person's private life and does nothing to "disrupt" society. At all. The only "problem" regarding homosexuality comes from bigots who see fit to meddle in others' private lives.

Now, bigotry definitely is a choice (albeit one heavily influenced by upbringing, but a choice nonetheless) and it definitely does disrupt others' lives.

Why the hell should I care if some guys like to sleep with other guys? What harm does it to do to me if they do so? That's the question, and the answer is none at all.
This thread makes no sense. o_o Were you aiming to make a discussion about Obama's low-flying plane or something?

And you only just noticed gay people want rights too?
I don't even see why it matters if it's a choice or not. Even if it is a choice (and there is evidence to suggest it is not, unless I'm wrong), it is a "choice" regarding a person's private life and does nothing to "disrupt" society. At all. The only "problem" regarding homosexuality comes from bigots who see fit to meddle in others' private lives.

Now, bigotry definitely is a choice (albeit one heavily influenced by upbringing, but a choice nonetheless) and it definitely does disrupt others' lives.

Why the hell should I care if some guys like to sleep with other guys? What harm does it to do to me if they do so? That's the question, and the answer is none at all.
But thousands of years ago people who stoned each other for saying "Jehovah" wrote a book that said it was bad! [/ironic]
By the logic that people "choose" to be gay...

Then why are there any gay people in the world? As Vladimir and Departure put it, why would anyone decide that they wanted to be gay in an extremely bigoted society? Why don't they just turn straight again?

oh wait

because they can't!
All I'm getting from this topic is that Obama flying over Manhattan made everyone gay and want to marry each other.

You missed something: the swine flu.
Obama flew over Manhattan in order to get away from the swine flu, and in so doing, made many New Yorkers, who expected to be living the last few minutes of their lives, come out of the closet at last and have hot, passionate sex with other gay New Yorkers who also expected to die. When they finally realized that they weren't dying (yet) they decided that being openly gay wasn't so bad after all and decided to get married.

That is all.
So apparently Obama flew a jet overmanhatten which made the gays riot by sticking willies in buttocks because they don't have enough lesbians to marry because they aren't turning normal women lesbo fast enough so jeebus sent the swine flu to kill them.

Now, now, Spaekle, let's not forget Hanlon's Razor!

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

(Disclaimer: This post is not meant to accuse anyone of acting either maliciously or stupidly)
jesus contracted swine flu and thus made obama have gay sex in a plane over manhattan, which caused all the lesbian women to marry george bush?

now it all makes sense!
Why is the debate always "people are born gay" vs "people decide to be gay"? There are a billion ways I can think of for people to be gay without getting to decide. Just like any other personality trait. o.o This one happens to be a lot more emotionally fundamental and harder to sway, but I'm not convinced that it's its own species entirely. ?_?

I'm not saying gays *aren't* born gay, but I'm not saying so in the same way that I wouldn't say rain-lovers are born loving the rain. Very few people acquire a love of rain after it's been set that they don't love rain; very very few people acquire a love of a given sex after it's been set that they don't find that sex attractive. But it does honestly happen.

tl;dr: why do tendencies for attraction have to be special
This topic is pretty pointless now. We now know that Hillary Obama flew over Dr. Manhattan with a gay superman while having passionate, cold sex, which then produced a swine which was blue.

I'm pretty lost...
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