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Search results

  1. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    I take it you are ignoring all ASB Personas and making us humans right npw? Also, will Spiritomb carrying people have any effect on its attacks?
  2. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    Anthromorphic feline + untamed Garden Snake + Shadow with a bad haircut =/= Gods
  3. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    And darkrai, why do you know this persay?
  4. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    Trust them to me mwahahahahahahaha
  5. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    Here's a title for you Mewtwo, oh wait, your name already gives it to you! Two! Because you'll never be the Top! You'll always be second, a shadow. You fight for your own arrogance and ego.
  6. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    Should a legend be DQ'ed, what will happen?
  7. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    Typical Psychic arrogance, you see yourself as a higher form of life than everyone, when you are but a mere clone. If it weren't for a stroke of luck, you wouldn't even exist.
  8. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    I meant We as a species, you, the strongest of all Psychics, as you claim to be, should have figured that out. You do not know who makes up my Spiritomb! Once this battle is over and we win, I will be happy to store all 6 of you within him, to meet your fate!
  9. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    I notice Mewtwo refuses to form a rebuttal, afraid maybe of the combined force of the Damned?
  10. Wargle

    The Battle for Asber

    Gods? We made one of you OURSELVES. Spiritomb is more of a god than Mewtwo! Because that's all it will ever be! Two to Mew! Spiritomb is the combined force of the Damned! Cursed to an eternity bound to a stone and my posession! He will obliterate Mewtwo to prove who the real god is!
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