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Search results

  1. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    only a piano xD ONLY. :D *plays piano* :3 [/wantsabighug:(]
  2. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE that sounds awesome :D
  3. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Cool. Classic. :D I suggest THIS it's TOTALLY a Broadway Musical... :D?
  4. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Sweet. What are you thinking of going to? I don't get slammed into the wall except by punks who NEVER do it again. :/ Sorry, if I went to your school I'd help :D No one messes with me, which is useful on those really crappy days where you want to lay out(kick the S out of) people who are...
  5. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Lol, true. But I don't think the dogs would like it. :/ You do have good friends, indeed. Your mother doesn't know about Christmas?
  6. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    xD nice. I had this watch that was super epic but got my head slammed into the wall and i hit my watch and it broke. is it weird that I was more mad about my watch being broken than my head being slammed into a wall?
  7. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    I always scratch my watches D: Same to you. <3: I really want everyone to have a Merry Christmas or whatever other holiday you celebrate.
  8. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Cool rival brudders, SSHG?, I've never seen a trampoline for dogs :/ I usually don't either but I just pick something. D: I usually don't get what I want anyways so It doesn't really matter.
  9. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    i think everyone does.
  10. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Well, usually it's because my sister just plays it to annoy me. :/ and EVERY song is about the same thing.
  11. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Hmm, I'm not really into that kinda stuffs. But i listen to EEEEVERYthing... 'cept country. Country makes me angreh
  12. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Meh. I can see how that would be useful. I wonder where would FIND a grappling dummy? o_O;; Are you blood brothers? What Ds games? Barnes&Noble is ossom TAMPOLINE FOR DOGGIES?
  13. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    What kind of music?
  14. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    haha you sneaky devil. ;] i have an iPod and they're nice. It's nice to have music whenever you want it. :D Cellys are funn too cause I gets to text a certain person *cough* Alaskan*cough* Interesting list. I'd go with the first, or last one. :> Tangible or otherwise? kinky. xD just kidding. I...
  15. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    Oh. Team Fortress 2 on Steam is 50% off until (I think) December 22. I have a laptop and games are really hard to play on it >:l That's the only reason I want a 360, I'd rather have Fallout 3 for pc (I would MOD that so epically :DD. But i enjoy using a controller more. Speaking of...
  16. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    True. Good job taking in a stray 'nanimal xD I asked for money because I knew I wouldn't just outright get a 360. :0 I played a demo of Professor Layton and the Mysterious Box or something, it was pretty good. Phantasy Star, I've never played. D: Is it good? LoZ:Spirit Tracks looks like a...
  17. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    you want a cactus? O____o YUUUS doggy counts. Is it foofeh?
  18. Wartortle

    TCoD Christmas:D

    In this here thread, I would love to hear what you all want for Christmas, then after Christmas we can tell what we got. Sound good? M'kay. if you don't celebrate christmas, just write what you want in general. I want an Xbox 360 and Fallout 3 (:D), also I want everyone to have a super happy...
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