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TCoD Christmas:D

Me/Blastoise iz bruvas, and Buddy is so awesome!

Anyway,IWANTAPONYANDSUMBALLERINASLIPPERS.......................Sorry, I vant:

-DS games
-Barnes&Noble gift card
-A TRAMPOLINE 4 mah doggies
Kinda. He's at least mostly a Yellow Lab. He was just wandering around, no tags or even a collar. His name is Buddy, which is what we called him before he even had a name.

And yes, I want a cactus. It would make a wonderful weapon if someone sneaks into my room. :}

Heh....Nice thing. But I suggest you keep a steak knife under you're pillow for backup.

An HD video camera. I might start some wierd videos on youtube.

Eh, you will think this is wierd but.........
A grappling dummy!? I am training to get my black belt, and I need something to pound on for practice!

Lots of useless crap.....A lot of crap that is useless!
Heh....Nice thing. But I suggest you keep a steak knife under you're pillow for backup.

An HD video camera. I might start some wierd videos on youtube.

Eh, you will think this is wierd but.........
A grappling dummy!? I am training to get my black belt, and I need something to pound on for practice!

Lots of useless crap.....A lot of crap that is useless!
Meh. I can see how that would be useful. I wonder where would FIND a grappling dummy? o_O;;
Me/Blastoise iz bruvas, and Buddy is so awesome!

Anyway,IWANTAPONYANDSUMBALLERINASLIPPERS.......................Sorry, I vant:

-DS games
-Barnes&Noble gift card
-A TRAMPOLINE 4 mah doggies

Are you blood brothers? What Ds games? Barnes&Noble is ossom
You would find a grappling dummy in a catolog, or a wierd store....

And why are you not into thrash!?
*Sings thrash metal songs in a horrible voice*
Do you like my voiceeee? And I listen to some country, but same here. MOST OF IT MAKES ME VERY ANGRY!
SAME HERE! My sister has a playlist of two country songs I hate, from two people I hate....... Oh, I forgot another thing I want.........

I... didn't actually ask for anything. XD;

I have no idea why... I just don't really have anything I want. No idea what I'm going to get now...
Yes,Basically anything pokemon,yes it is, and yes.(my doggies ist hyper)
Cool rival brudders, SSHG?, I've never seen a trampoline for dogs :/
I... didn't actually ask for anything. XD;

I have no idea why... I just don't really have anything I want. No idea what I'm going to get now...

I usually don't either but I just pick something. D: I usually don't get what I want anyways so It doesn't really matter.
There's not much I want this year, really. My mom offered me a new watch, but mine still ticks, so I don't see a need to replace it. Sure, I could use a bit more money, but who couldn't?

A merry Christmas to all.
There's not much I want this year, really. My mom offered me a new watch, but mine still ticks, so I don't see a need to replace it. Sure, I could use a bit more money, but who couldn't?

A merry Christmas to all.

I always scratch my watches D:

Same to you. <3:

I really want everyone to have a Merry Christmas or whatever other holiday you celebrate.
Oh no, my watch is ruined as far as appearances go. The face isn't too scratched, but the band and everything have seen better days.

I think it adds character, though, especially as it's a Swiss Army watch.
Oh no, my watch is ruined as far as appearances go. The face isn't too scratched, but the band and everything have seen better days.

I think it adds character, though, especially as it's a Swiss Army watch.
xD nice. I had this watch that was super epic but got my head slammed into the wall and i hit my watch and it broke.

is it weird that I was more mad about my watch being broken than my head being slammed into a wall?
I've asked my parents for a couple of DVDs for Christmas. When I asked, my mother said "But I don't like DVDs!". My sister and I are working on explaining to her that the point of presents is that the person you're buying them for likes it.

I celebrated Christmas with my housemates last night because we all left for home today, and they got me some fantastic stuff. Among other things, Buffy and High School Musical Top Trumps, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a Bowling for Soup CD and S1 of A Bit of Fry & Laurie. I have such good friends <3
Originally Posted by uber charizard
Yes,Basically anything pokemon,yes it is, and yes.(my doggies ist hyper)
Cool rival brudders, SSHG?, I've never seen a trampoline for dogs :/

Yeah (i would pwn him in ASB), i want HG/he wants SS, and I don't think they've made one but that would be coolz!
Yeah (i would pwn him in ASB), i want HG/he wants SS, and I don't think they've made one but that would be coolz!
Lol, true. But I don't think the dogs would like it. :/
I've asked my parents for a couple of DVDs for Christmas. When I asked, my mother said "But I don't like DVDs!". My sister and I are working on explaining to her that the point of presents is that the person you're buying them for likes it.

I celebrated Christmas with my housemates last night because we all left for home today, and they got me some fantastic stuff. Among other things, Buffy and High School Musical Top Trumps, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a Bowling for Soup CD and S1 of A Bit of Fry & Laurie. I have such good friends <3
You do have good friends, indeed.

Your mother doesn't know about Christmas?
The only specific thing I wanted was for my parents to let me go to Hershey Park on New Years Eve for a concert. May actually be getting it :)

Mom informed me that it might be dangerous to drive three hours on New Year's Eve

So instead she's letting me pick a Broadway musical to see at some point next year :)
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