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TCoD Christmas:D

I got a Venus Flytrap, and two different kinds of pitcher.

Oh, awesome. I had a Venus Flytrap this year along with a Sarracenia/North American pitcher plant. The Sarracenia's still alive after being buried in snow outside for a good five days; the VFT, not so much. :(

But Nepenthes/tropical pitcher plants are always the best! Even if I can't keep them as long without fancy greenhouse equipment.
My mom told me that most of my Christmas gifts are coming after Christmas because both of my parents have been working overtime.

I did get some, though:

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (the movie) from my stepsister

Battle of Giants: Dragons for Nintendo DS

Spore for PC, which I've been playing obsessively since I got it. Two Space stages, one Tribal stage, and two Creature stages so far. I hate the Grox. Damn bastards. Waged war on me after I talked to them one time on a mission (and gave them 100,000 Sporebucks in the process, and took a mission for them) and now I can't even try to make peace. And they destroyed my home planet and all but two of my colony planets. Shouldn't you get to know someone better before you try to blow them up? What would have happened if America and Russia wouldn't stop blowing each other up? Yeah, that's what's happening here.

On Christmas, I had to stop playing Spore for a while so my mom and I could go see Avatar (in 2D, because my mom was afraid of getting vertigo). It was pretty good, and we've decided to see it in 3D tomorrow.

The latest issue of National Geographic arrived in the mail the other day, but I'm not sure if that was intentional.

And, finally, one of the dentists at my mom's work brought a 44.8 ounce Hershey's Kiss for everyone to have, but no one wanted it. My mom volunteered me to have it instead, so it's sitting on the coffee table in front of me right now.

And finally, my stepdad went to Iowa to visit a friend for a week, which at times I would consider a gift. It's actually not that different around my house, except for the fact that there's a lot less sports and more Ghost Hunters and Animal Planet.

...Now that I type all that out, I feel kind of spoiled ;-;
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