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TCoD Christmas:D

I didn't get much. Oh well.

-Wii Remote
-Nunchuk Remote for Wii.
-The simpsons game (Wii)
-Top Gear book 2010
-The Broons Book (Love this)
-Coca Cola
Christmas was awesome this year. I succeeded in getting my parents more presents I think. :D

Let's see what I got... :3

- A new laptop <3333 It's awesome! I love it. ♥ It has a webcam and everything. :3
- Socks! <3 Lots and lots of them
- $25
-Pajamas with penguins on them <3
- A matching pink fleece blanket with penguins on it
- Pants
- Two Warriors books
- A "Do it yourself" Henna kit. :D
- Chocolate, like a chocolate orange, Tim Tams (<3333), and Pocky
- Oh and a bottle of Ramune
- And some makeup. Yay. I needed some more. :]
Time for my list now!

iPod Touch (!)
diy internal combustion engine (or, put together parts of a battery powered thing that looks like one)
Zelda Spirit Tracks :D
4x4x4 Rubik's Cube
Lots of chocolate
A mini slinky out of a cracker.
More but that would make my list too long.

EDIT: Oh and the latest Star Trek film on DVD <3
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HD video camera! It's charging right now.

Assorted Metal CD. I'm listening to it right now!

A few books.


...Did I mention my Bro-in-law got a PS3 and I played a bunch of Modern Warfare 2? He kept dying so the gaming master (Me), took over. And I kicked ass! If you play, the best weapon is the:

Sniper Rifle and semi-auto shotgun.

I got a new tv that isn't 4 inches tall(even though my brother got a laptop and already has a big tv),Barnes & Noble Gift Cards ($45),DS Case , DS game, nunchucks, nunchuck for wii,and a cool coffee mug with a place for the spoon in the handle.
--Digital camera and gear
--Pretty poster for my room
--Garfield calander
--Best Buy gift card
--GameStop gift card
--Movie theater gift card
--Some clothes
i got less sw33t l00t than usual, but it doesn't really matter i guess. the best thing i recieved was this extremely soft blanket/pillow which is... awesome, and like, beyond comfortable. then i got one of those big iPods that holds more music than one could possibly own which is also great, because i really needed one of them to accommodate my expanding musical library. it sucked to have to fuck around with iTunes every time i got a new album, which is like... daily.

then i got some xbox games. backstory: like a month ago i traded my guitar for my friend's xbox 360, but i didn't really have any games or xbox live, and the tv i had to use the xbox with was probably the shittiest thing in the world. i mean, the screen was literally smaller than the screen of my laptop. so like a week ago i got a nice big tv to play it on, which was nice of course, but i didn't really have any games other than super mario bros 3. which looks nice in hi-def but come on you can find something better. i was going to ask for call of duty and assassin's creed, except then my bumbling but well-meaning father told me i can't play any m-rated games until my grades get better (???) and so i was stuck there with a big nice tv and a shiny new xbox with no games. :(

then, dad came to the rescue, i guess, and got me for christmas a batman game i've never heard of and some game with a car on the cover, the name of which i promptly forgot and thus have been calling it all day "car game 64", which i will probably continue to refer to it as. dad told me that they both got scores of like 9.0 from gamestop which is nice because i know that he didn't just blindly pick games "oh, you liked that movie wall-e, didn't you?" style. so, batman game looks pretty fun i guess, and car game 64 looks like a tolerable activity. could be worse.

then i also got like a tambourine or something from some people that live far away who i've never met, and a book or two.
You can get Tim Tams outside of Australia? Seriously?

I've been seeing those in stores here. A company called Pepperidge Farm has started selling them; Wiki says this:

Wikipedia said:
Tim Tams were introduced to the U.S.A. through Pepperidge Farm as a promotional item from November 2008 to March 2009.[4] They were sold through Target stores only; varieties offered were Original (sold as Chocolate Crème) and Caramel. Pepperidge Farm re-released these two varieties with Classic Dark 19th October 2009. This time the Original and Caramel varieties are available in supermarkets other than Target. They will be available in the U.S.A. until March 2010 and at the same time every year.[5]
Time to add the stuff I got at Grandma's to the list.

-A mug filled with candy
-a bottle cap necklace filled with glass that had an image of the Wicked Witch of the West inside
-One of those sarcastic plaques
-A make-it-yourself fiber optic lamp (the set is for one shaped like a peacock)
-A necklace made of balls of varying sizes
-And the entirety of the series 'Firefly' on DVD.

Yup. Not a bad haul.
Spaekle Oddberry said:
I've been seeing those in stores here. A company called Pepperidge Farm has started selling them; Wiki says this:

Wikipedia said:
Tim Tams were introduced to the U.S.A. through Pepperidge Farm as a promotional item from November 2008 to March 2009.[4] They were sold through Target stores only; varieties offered were Original (sold as Chocolate Crème) and Caramel. Pepperidge Farm re-released these two varieties with Classic Dark 19th October 2009. This time the Original and Caramel varieties are available in supermarkets other than Target. They will be available in the U.S.A. until March 2010 and at the same time every year.[5]

*looks at Tim Tam box* They're Pepperidge Farm. That explains how they got them. Last time I got Tim Tams, they were in New Zealand and we couldn't find them anywhere in the US. :3
I got a Nintendo Wii. And three books, Crocodile Tears, The Wizard of Rondo, and The Children of Hurin. Also, a dart board, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DS game, some money, and carnivorous plants.
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My stuffs:

- camera
- £100+ pounds comprising of £75 cash, £25 Amazon gift certificate and an indeterminate amount in giftcards
- 5000 rubles (which make me feel so amazingly rich. FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND screw the exchange rate that's a big number)
- clothes
- mini doughnut maker, had a go on that today, it makes like 40 of them from one batch of batter and they're pretty tasty.
- chocolate
- teeny tiny alarm clock
- two DVDs (Michael McIntyre and some movie I've never heard of)
- stuff I forgot and can't be bothered to remember right now.

Christmas was pretty fun :> My mum managed to drop the trifle on Christmas eve, but it only had the jelly in it at that point so she made more and Christmas was saved. Later on I managed to finish Final Fantasy IX and Banjo-Kazooie (there's still another Note Door but the credits rolled so :p) but I officially gave up on ever beating Barbaros in Zack&Wiki.

Finally, whoever still puts those fucking stupid jokes in Christmas crackers needs to be viciously beaten.
Well, I did get that Broadway thing. One of my favorite parts of my haul ^^

I also got a wicked awesome shirt with this quote on it:

"All that you see and seem is but a dream withing a dream"-Edgar Allen Poe

I looked it up but I can't find the shirt D:

Along with a bunch of video games and books.
The big gift this year was a Wii for the family from "Santa". The only thing I actually asked for was stylises for my DS since I lost mine, witch my brother got me. I also got:

A McDonald's gift card
A Target gift card
A remote and nunchuck for the Wii
A boat load of candy(mostly chocolate)
A Pokemon board game(it looks like a cross between Bingo and Yahtzee)
Catz 2 for the DS
A tiger figurine
A 2010 calender with adorable kittens on it
A book on big cats(why yes, I do love cats. You noticed?)
A Rubits-cube
Stationary with my first initial on it
A wallet and key chain that match said stationary

I'm pretty happy with it, especially the chocolate.
Christmas for me was great. I got a couple shirts, one of which is a True Blood shirt <3 an owl calender, a Slipknot belt buckle, a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card and the chance to see my family :3 That was the best part (I sound like a cheesey Christmas movie..)
I got some pretty cool stuff this year. There's 5,000 some pieces of paper in my living room and the sad thing is I'm not even exegerrating. Phantom Hourglass and Pokémon Pearl have been added to my collections of games, along with a DSi as a replacement for my DS lite. Plus I got this giant bubble wand and solution, which I'm way too excited about for my own good. My awesome friend made a scarf for me with a white-bellied Pikachu on it. <3~ I got three other scarves, too. And I have gift card money for Borders. Oh, and my grandma got me a 3D glose puzzle, which looks pretty cool.
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