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Search results

  1. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building Meh, catch. That's my last poké, right?
  2. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building Ignore.
  3. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building Ehh, might as well...*catches*
  4. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building ...the hell. The RNG gods love me today. Muk brings back not-so-good memories from a certain mission in Pokémon Ranger, though, so I'll pass.
  5. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building Dang, I'm getting lucky here. *catches*
  6. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building 8D Schweet! *catches*
  7. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building Ignore.
  8. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building At least my luck here is halfway decent. *catches*
  9. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building Might as well catch.
  10. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building Dragons are cool, but...*ignores*
  11. Zapi

    Shadow's abandoned facility

    Re: Shadow's abandoned building I'll have a go at Zone 2, please.
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