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Search results

  1. Zapi

    Improbable Role Mafia [WIZARD MAFIA WIN.]

    Re: Improbable Role Mafia [Day 5] I already stalked RK on N2, and didn't get a result because he is apparently a tree and trees cannot talk. Didn't I say that? Anyway, I guess I'll lynch FwaSaki-chan.
  2. Zapi

    Improbable Role Mafia [WIZARD MAFIA WIN.]

    Re: Improbable Role Mafia [Day 5] Um! Well, I uh actually have a bit of information! I think. Roleclaim time: I am the stalker. I can choose one player per night to stalk, and I will find out a bit of (slightly cryptic) information about what they had been doing that night in the form of some...
  3. Zapi

    Improbable Role Mafia [WIZARD MAFIA WIN.]

    Re: Improbable Role Mafia [Day 2] whoops I could've sworn I subscribed to this thread <.<; Anyway, I'm just posting so I don't get modkilled, so I will abstain for now. I'll probably come up with something useful to say later.
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