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Search results

  1. Zeph

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    Cyndaquil, do you expect anyone to believe that?
  2. Zeph

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    I doubt that, seeing as nearly every single movement anything with a concious makes is based on a decision. I may not have decided to press the space bar when I did just now - would that create a parallel world where I hadn't pressed the spacebar? Earleir, I may have decided to stop while...
  3. Zeph

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    Oh, it is definitely possible to clone humans, but whether or not it would result in a fully functioning human being is still unknown.
  4. Zeph

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    I was waiting for someone to say that =D
  5. Zeph

    Will Time Travel be possible?

    Backwards travel seems impossible, and I don't like the idea as even a minor change could change the whole future/present in unimaginable ways. Forward travel is theoretically possible though. If you're moving fast enough, time slows down for you, so by effect it's possible to utilise that and...
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