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Search results

  1. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Man, ii don't even know. Probably wa2n't payiing attentiion two roleclaiim2 or 2omethiing and ju2t randomly blocked.
  2. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) ii'm 2orry...
  3. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) ii have made it my goal two build a hiive out of boonbuck2 two see how fa2t I can de2troy iit. Then ii'll probably make a noo2e out of iit, or 2omethiing, iidk. Ju2t two more boonbank2...
  4. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) (ikr?) Holy 2hiit, the human2 are actually biiddiing on thii2. Damn, the Dave human ii2 outpaciing the Ro2e human and even the John human. The boondollar piile ju2t keep2 gettiing hiigher!
  5. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) Haha Thii2 ii2 gold. Where'2 my recorder? ii know ii have iit 2omewhere... Aha! *2tart2 recordiing* ii'll 2ell thii2 2hiit two the human2 for a boonbuck.
  6. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) Uh... iit'2 2pelled 'geniiu2' Wiithout the quiirk
  7. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) Yep, that'2 our gloriiou2 leader. The one who iin2ult2 the 2hiit out of thiing2. ii ju2t have one que2tiion. Why diid you do iit?
  8. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) kk, you never faiil to iin2ult people, even when your head ii2 on the chopiing block.
  9. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) Whoa, what ii2 goiing on. Diid you guy2 2ecretly deciide two vote for kk la2t niight? Why diidn't you tell me?? EDIT: Holy fuck people, 2top niinja'iing me! kk. Why diid you do iit?
  10. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) Cod damn iit Eriidan you are 2tartiing two get on my nerve2. 2eriiou2ly, ju2t 2hut up about beiing weak. iif toting a huge motherfuckiing Angel kiiller ii2n't enough to 2top your from blatheriing about in your attempt2 two get 2omebody two...
  11. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) ii 2ay we all 2acriifiice our2elve2 two Jack Noiir. Be2t iidea all niight, Y/Y?
  12. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day three) How the fuck ii2 the kiiller even 2urviiviing thii2 2hiit wiithout a 2cratch??
  13. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day two) ii don't even know.
  14. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day two) Oh 2hiit
  15. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day two) Well 2hiit. ii really hadn't expected thii2. ii 2uppo2e we are lynchiing Tavro2 (Sunflower)?
  16. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Night two) Madne22? THii2 ii2 TROLL 2PARTA
  17. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) There al2o wouldn't be 2tab wound2, more liike chunk2 of fle2h riipped from Terezii'2 body.
  18. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) Yeah, let'2 lynch Vrii2ka (RespectTheBlade). ii bet her diice have a lot of 2harp thiings that could behead Terezii wiith.
  19. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) Well, that'2 a reliief. At lea2t we know that that'2 not what gamzee ii2.
  20. Zero Moment

    Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Innocent win!)

    Re: Homestuck Mafia Two: Troll Edition (Day one) Holy 2hiit, you guy2 po2t a lot duriing the niight. ii diidn't kiill her, all ii have are la2er beam2 iin my eye2.
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