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Search results

  1. Zhorken

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    ALRIGHT... THIS SUCKS BUT I'VE DONE THE MATH and while it doesn't really get any better than this, this still gives us an alright chance: Swagger ~ Hyper Beam ~ Protect
  2. Zhorken

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    Haha, yeah, fair enough. Me too, then, although I imagine my best strategy now that I've used up my Mirror Coat trump card will just be to leave everything up to the RNG gods.
  3. Zhorken

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    EDIT: Waaait shit. I just realized that thanks to the damage cap, the calcs I wanted you to redo matter after all. /o\ So like... at the risk of being That Guy, how was Hyper Beam doing 27%? EDIT 2: Okay on second thought this is not worth it, I'll just put my commands back and go out...
  4. Zhorken

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    Oh! Fixed, sorry. It was mostly our health I was thinking of, but I forgot our Oran Berries are about to kick in so I guess my plan's the same either way after all. Just figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
  5. Zhorken

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    You forgot to take off the health that went into the Substitute. :P Also, could you post your calcs, if you don't mind my asking...? I'm a little confused about some of those numbers. Anyway! Alright — [whispers to Amaura so Pumpkaboo can't hear] — our hands are a little tied here since we...
  6. Zhorken

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    I'd give you a nickname too Amaura but I don't think we're going to have too much time to get attached! Drop Safeguard and Light Screen, if you can do so without using an action or anything, and then use Hyper Beam ~ Protect ~ Encore. Make absolutely sure to go second for Hyper Beam and Encore.
  7. Zhorken

    [15] Zhorken vs Meursault (ref: pathos)

    Ideally we'll go with Safeguard, Light Screen, and Hyper Beam. If you've already got a status condition before Safeguard happens, use Encore instead. If he changes your ability to Insomnia with Worry Seed at any point, Encore it. When it's Hyper Beam time, if he's got Double Team clones, he's...
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