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Search results

  1. Zhorken

    Totodile Vs. Zhorken

    Thanks so much for picking this up! (One thing, though: Durga's health seems to be off again. She should be at 30% if she's hit the cap twice.) ------ Astrid: First of all, use Psych Up on Durga first chance you get. All the benefit of her, uh, creative dance moves with none of the effort...
  2. Zhorken

    Totodile Vs. Zhorken

    Oh hey it hasn't even been two months, I'm not as overdue as I thought..... (sorry eheheh) Mathilde: Drain Punch @ Durga × 3; wait for Astrid to Telekinesis her first action. Astrid: Telekinesis @ Durga ~ Zen Headbutt @ Sin × 2 (Aaaaalso TTC I notice you got the damage cap wrong, Durga should...
  3. Zhorken

    Totodile Vs. Zhorken

    They've been updated but the only thing that changed is Mathilde's health — she didn't get damaged by Sandstorm, but she did get hit by both Zen Headbutts. I'm guessing that means TTC still had Durga use Sandstorm, and it just failed? Which is iffy; I figured she'd use Toxic.
  4. Zhorken

    Totodile Vs. Zhorken

    go go gadget last-minute commands Mathilde: Start out by Taunting Sin. If he uses Magic Coat, use Posion Jab instead, and if he uses Protect or Detect, use Role Play on Astrid. Next, if you didn't Taunt and he's not blocking, try Taunt again; otherwise, Role Play if you haven't done that...
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