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  1. Zhorken


    They can't be unrelated and be opposites. That is a relation. And, yes, I get that they're entirely different things; they can be entirely different, related things. You don't get to use your own definition of "opposite" or "relation" to suit yourself. You did say that your brain was wired...
  2. Zhorken


    I don't follow...? How does the fact that they're not the same thing make them polar opposites? They're different concepts, but I can draw parallels: both revolve largely around sex/gender and self-identity. Where are you getting that your brain is 'wired' differently? Can you actually speak...
  3. Zhorken


    Ah, so you were being facetious? Sorry I didn't catch that; your posts were a bit scattered and I got kind of confused. Alright, that's fair. sure, I guess. I figured you were planning on arguing it, since you did say you find homosexuality "pretty fucked up" and that you wanted to make...
  4. Zhorken


    Again: what difference does it make if it's (un)natural? I could go after the rest but I want an answer to this for once.
  5. Zhorken


    so then... should we entirely scrap the legal form of "marriage" and give everyone civil unions or something?
  6. Zhorken


    So are you entirely against marriage, or do you specifically think you should be treated differently?
  7. Zhorken


    24 August was less than a month ago. Been months since it's seen any real activity, though, yeah. Oh, never saw this. But how does that matter? So what if we're choosing to be unnatural? This is one thing I still don't get. Why do so many people want sexuality to be so meaningful, and why...
  8. Zhorken


    Step 1. Fix civil unions: make them equal to or better than marriage. Step 2. Give everyone civil unions. Step 3. Separate marriage and law entirely. Anyone can hold whatever ceremony they want; the legal significance comes with something else, and is available for any couple who wants it...
  9. Zhorken


    you're only proving that you're not making sense dude :V
  10. Zhorken


    Who cares? Even if only humans do gay things, it makes no difference.
  11. Zhorken


    You're not helping anyone.
  12. Zhorken


    er marriage is a human-invented ceremony; it's either natural because humans are part of nature or unnatural because sapient intervention isn't natural even if marriage is natural, so what? an unnatural couple undergoes a natural ceremony. oh well.
  13. Zhorken


    Why not? Marriage is just as unnatural. (You're also missing a lot of reasoning between "it's unnatural" and "the law should ignore it".)
  14. Zhorken


    No you didn't. "Homosexuality is unnatural" isn't a conclusion in the sense I'm talking about; after all, "so what"? I don't care that you've concluded that homosexuality is unnatural. You haven't told me why it matters. (I don't see anything else closer to a conclusion and you're not...
  15. Zhorken


    Then why did you bring it up? Were you implying that all pedophiles molest children or something? Child molestation is bad, sure. Adult molestation is pretty bad too. Not sure what that has to do with it.
  16. Zhorken


    I'm pretty sure it's already legal to fantasize and be attracted to whatever you want. Pedophiles aren't all rapists and I'd argue that rape is bad anyway. EDIT: I also love how you ignored "It makes no difference" and jumped to something completely different you also still haven't drawn any...
  17. Zhorken


    My point was that I was saying it; I was pointing out that it doesn't make a difference either way. Sure, let's say it's unnatural. So what? It doesn't mean anything. You're saying a lot of things that make no difference.
  18. Zhorken


    I don't care if they're born gay or not. If gays are born gay, it's okay to be gay; if gays aren't born gay, it's okay to be gay. You've made a lot of statements and haven't concluded anything from them. I can't argue back if you don't argue.
  19. Zhorken


    That argument is false on at least a half-dozen levels, but that's not important. More important is that it doesn't matter. They shouldn't exist, apparently? Oh well. They do. So what? They may or may not be born gay? "Oh well; so what" either way? They don't make more people? Oh well...
  20. Zhorken


    I'm a perfectionist and like to argue that it doesn't matter, but that never works.
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