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Search results

  1. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    Hi Satoshi, hey, why'd your pants just get wet? I invite you to SCUBA.
  2. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *cough* I invite you to the Ninetendo Company.
  3. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *does so for the 100th time* I invite you to slow down on forum games.
  4. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *is not allowed for being inhuman* I invite you to ride on my back.
  5. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *gets* I invite you to drive into a brick wall.
  6. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *swims* I invite you to a summer camp.
  7. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    OK! *electrocutes* WIN! I invite you to punt me to the pokemon world.
  8. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *gets starred in a live action pokemon movie* I invite you to break dance.
  9. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    Pero.... No me gusta blood. I invite you to shoot off fireworks.
  10. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *doesn't die* I invite you to jump in a lake.
  11. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *goes* I invite you to Mt. Ritar.
  12. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *eats smores* I invite you to an active volcano.
  13. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *finds him* Hey, umm, I wanna go back mister. :3 I invite you to set a school on fire.
  14. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *helps Chaos with his quest* I invite you to a tea party.
  15. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    I am one. o_o I invite you to a military base.
  16. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    D: I invite you to fly in a solo-airplane.
  17. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *doesn't know what that is* I invite you to Alaska.
  18. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    ˙ʞo 'ɯɯɯn I invite you to Greece.
  19. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    *goes* *scares off the trainers* I invite you to a deep dark forest.
  20. Zoltea

    You're Invited!

    Umm, it's rather lonely here.... You're invited to play Forum Games with me.
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