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Search results

  1. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    Thank you.
  2. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    It doesn't matter how many are posting. What matters is how many posts are made and what value they have.
  3. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    So how about instead of arguing with us in a futile effort to get us to change our minds you could be making that forum games social group like someone suggested and /do/ something about it.
  4. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    Yeah, because you know, posting art that they actually took TIME and EFFORT on is totally comparable to spamming up forum games~~
  5. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    Let me explain to you how the threads you're pointing out aren't even close to Forum Games in terms of quality. 1) surskitty actually had that problem; she did not make it up for the lulz. Others took it as something humorous and posted thusly. Also, people actually had to read through the...
  6. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    i wonder why he reposted it
  7. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    It's not any less convenient than going down to Forum Games and then finding the thread... -___-
  8. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    that's not a horrible idea. plus whoever owns the group has the responsibility (and power) of deleting a thread, so...
  9. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    out... of the way? it takes two mouse clicks tops to get to @_@ though the format is a little strange, you just have to get used to it...
  10. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    it has no purpose whatsoever besides post count+ and if people want to take us seriously then, yeah, it's got to go
  11. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    because then they'll whine and cry about how their e-peens won't grow anymore without having to contribute actual value to a real thread
  12. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    When she made the forums she didn't think people would be counting for 17k posts. Did you even read her post in this thread? x_x She's AGAINST stupidass threads like US vs World. Christ, who fucking cares if people like them? It's useless and pointless and has no reason to exist.
  13. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    Then download an IM client or get Xchat. It's really, really not that hard. "O im standin up for teh pple who cant get the clientz". then, I'm sorry, use the Cafe of Doom or, oh I dunno, use the forums as they were intended to be used.
  14. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    Alexi, you realize forums have these things called PMs right and social groups and profile messages
  15. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    or it could considering it's 800+ pages on default page length 800+ pages of counting how do you not recognize how ridiculous this is
  16. Z

    On Removing Clutter

  17. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    actually I'd trust him with a hell of a lot more than I'd trust most of the forums with and I've been here for a while so I think I know what I'm talking about dawg @_@
  18. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    no, but if there is no real value to the thread it is spam. we went over this before, just because you like it doesn't mean it's not against the rules or wasting space. 17.7k posts of COUNTING. ... do you comprehend that?
  19. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    "without topic" = spam...? yeah except if we locked it people get all whiny
  20. Z

    On Removing Clutter

    I know Arylett lost like 7.4k posts... I attribute it to vB trying to delete US vs the World twice~ thus removing 7.4k posts instead of 3.7k
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