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Search results

  1. fresh fruit for Adol

    Upcoming Video Games that you Want

    Tales of Xillia was just announced for western release! so i guess i get to buy it a second time lol. also looking forward to Xillia 2, naturally also NiGHTS into dreams... HD just announced literally 20 minutes ago hahaha, definitely can't wait for that.
  2. fresh fruit for Adol

    Upcoming Video Games that you Want

    not so sure about this their reasoning behind all of that on-disc dlc was because they didn't want to release a Super/Ultimate version of SFxT in the first place. right now they're privy to releasing patches that address the large amount of infinites in the game also, kind of looking forward to...
  3. fresh fruit for Adol

    Upcoming Video Games that you Want

    Feel like I should mention PSO2... I can't wait 'till it hits open beta; I want so many of my friends to play it with me ;w;
  4. fresh fruit for Adol

    Upcoming Video Games that you Want

    considering everything that went down last year and how badly they handled it, and how bad SFxT was, i highly doubt they do
  5. fresh fruit for Adol

    Upcoming Video Games that you Want

    Fire Emblem: Awakening, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, Diablo III to name a few... EDIT: also Dragon's Dogma and Persona 4: Ultimate. Also quite looking forward to the PSN port of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core+ :D
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