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Search results

  1. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    didn't seem like that to me. ^_^
  2. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    as long as you do a hell of a lot of work experience and networking. most humanities degrees are useful insofar as they show that you have the ability to apply yourself to a task, which is why they've become (rather unfairly, I should add) a prerequisite for almost all non-menial jobs. other...
  3. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    Well... UCAS doesn't open till 8am, but my school has sent out provisional results and it looks like I'll get into York. :D And yes, I've been F5ing on my email for the last hour. Barely got four hours sleep. :D
  4. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    Was the result what you expected? :D What's your first choice? I wasn't sure if there were any unis which had started requiring A*s.
  5. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    Might as well revive this thread, it's where most A-level stuff goes. Tomorrow is results day for Brits. Are you guys expecting good news or bad?
  6. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    oooh choose York as your firm! we could be flatmates. :P but in all seriousness, I dunno. both Warwick and St Andrews are usually ranked fairly closely in the league tables, with York a few places behind. St Andrews has quite a horrible reputation for poshness and annoying ex-public school kids...
  7. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    There is NEVER too far away. I deliberately avoided London unis because I want a bit of independence from my family. :D
  8. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    AAA offer from York, plus I've got Birmingham AAB as my insurance... fairly good outcome all things considered (and the whole 'rejected from Oxford' thing hurt a bit less once I found out that almost everyone I knew who applied got rejected). Bristol still haven't replied. frankly, fuck them.
  9. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    I applied back in October, and it's likely to be another month before I hear from all my choices. waiting is indeed painful. tally of results so far: Newcastle AAB Birmingham AAB (will probably become my insurance choice) Oxford REJECTED (all the worse because at the interview stage I was...
  10. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    so basically the hierarchy goes Wales/Scotland > London > Kent > US for the first time ever, sucks to be American.
  11. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    but you're even less important than the Scots. ^_^ basically it boils down to "fuck being English"
  12. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    no, only people north of the border get low tuition. :( but this is precisely the thing I'd want to get away from.
  13. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    also, I asked my cousin (who's applying to do a joint French and Maths course at somewhere-or-other, might be Sheffield?) and he said that joint courses aren't exactly unheard of. especially with English/History, which are the only two subjects I'd really consider beyond A-level. so at least I...
  14. goldenquagsire

    University Applications

    i think i have to decide this year. or is it the beginning of next year? i think it's the start of year 13 when you have to decide, 'coz you get your AS-levels then. either way i have no fucking clue. not even sure what subject i want to take.
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