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  1. opaltiger


    Well. It's complicated. What do you mean by biological form? External sex (based on primary sexual characteristics) can be male, female, or somewhere in between, yes. Genetic sex is a bit more unambiguous. It's not defined in terms of XY and XX, but purely in terms of Y. Having a Y is male, not...
  2. opaltiger


    I see how there are much better alternatives (i.e. "non-binary") but why is saying "a third gender" inherently problematic? It's not suggesting that there are only three genders (as "the third gender" would), simply that the person is talking about a gender that isn't in the binary (i.e. a third...
  3. opaltiger


    I think that is one of the reasons a lot of people prefer 'ey' now. :P (Well. Not that reason precisely, but the fact that it sounds like someone saying 'he' in an accent.)
  4. opaltiger


    Read everything after ETA. I replied to that. Then perhaps you should stop talking about overreactions? Everyone replying to you has been reasonable. That other thread has nothing to do with this thread. Yes, and that means you want people to be comfortable around you. Excellent. But correct...
  5. opaltiger


    Please stop setting up strawmen by making up ridiculous pronouns. Most pronouns people request are perfectly normal-sounding. Now, as to why 'they' is not acceptable (and I did address this earlier, in response to Arylett). Firstly, 'they' already has multiple connotations; it can be used as a...
  6. opaltiger


    Have you read the thread? Okay, let's try and get this thread back on track. Can you guys state unequivocally why you think we don't need more pronouns? No one seems to have answered this directly (other than to say 'the ones we have are enough', to which I say, 'read the thread and tell me...
  7. opaltiger


    How do you expect people to react? Someone comes into a thread and says "I have no idea why we need more pronouns" when the entire thread has been about why we need more pronouns? "Oh, right, sorry, never mind then"? Honestly, people are allowed to be annoyed in the face of thoughtless apathy.
  8. opaltiger


    I have a question: how do you think the world changes, if not by people insisting that it should change? Yes, people don't care. That's why we're trying to explain to them why they should care and why it's offensive if they don't. "The world is black and white" is not a good excuse for not...
  9. opaltiger


    Because it's a horrible (and downright wrong) point of view that harms lots of people?
  10. opaltiger


    Thank you, Alraune. If I might make a further point: As a general rule in this forum, using swear words does not automatically make a post uncivil. I don't see what's wrong with using the word 'fuck' for emphasis. I genuinely have no idea what, exactly, people are finding condescending about...
  11. opaltiger


    Being a mod doesn't exempt one from feeling strongly about certain issues. Cirrus used the word 'fuck' a few times. You told many people in this thread you thought part of their identity was 'utter nonsense'. Who was more offensive? But still, if you insist on using this as a copout (and I'm...
  12. opaltiger


    I am a bit confused. With the exception of one or two people like myself, everyone has been emphasising that they do find gender extremely important, in some cases in spite of the fact that they think generally it shouldn't be as important as it is. Why? Is your indignation over the fact that...
  13. opaltiger


    Female hormones cycle monthly. Male hormones cycle daily. If anything, men should be the emotional ones.
  14. opaltiger


    I'm interested to know how exactly you define 'debate' and 'discussion', because this thread seems like an excellent discussion to me so far.
  15. opaltiger


    Well, they're both reasons. I don't care about gender, so I can't use that as a method of choosing pronouns - therefore I need a different one, and "because I grew up with them" is as good a reason as any, given that I've already stated I don't care about gender. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to...
  16. opaltiger


    I've never seen it as "anyone who is not-cis". o.o Simply from etymology, if you're cis your sex should match your gender and if you're trans your sex should be the opposite of your gender. Since there are (to the first approximation) only two sexes, that kind of excludes non-binary identities...
  17. opaltiger


    You don't think explaining how it happens is important? Why? I don't care either way. I don't disagree with it, I just don't feel particularly attached to it either. Why would I go through the trouble of changing my pronouns, getting everyone I know used to it, possibly making complications in...
  18. opaltiger


    I agree with Butterfree in that I think an ideal world would not include gender, but that only works if gender never existed to begin with. In the real world, gender does exist, and we can't go about trying to get rid of it as any sort of solution. Furthermore, though, I don't understand the...
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