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Search results

  1. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Note to self: Never doubt the miracle that is GPX+ and its randomness
  2. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Goddammit Mike, your feminine curse keeps on infecting my Pichu :F Here, be useful and work some of your magic on this Treecko instead. Also, no. Cloned Bulbasaur eggs look different from the regular ones. EDIT: I SWEAR TO GOD IF I GET ONE MORE MALE SNEASEL
  3. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I felt like screwing around. With your MINDS.
  4. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I got two wishlist Pokemon in one go! *hugs self* why shiny surskit anyways
  5. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Dammit RainbowRayquaza stop beating me to the punch >: So, as I was going to say, the IP has actually proved useful! :D Yeah, even the eggs are described differently... Bidoof: A brown egg with a marking on the front that consists of tan, dark brown, red, and white. It doesn't react to...
  6. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    What is this. I JUST WANT MY PICHU
  7. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I helped with most of them; I believe Ketsu is Ketsu but I'm not really sure about that. I also added a few.
  8. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Yep, just as several guessed, the next event was Mew. So, who got one? ~moon-panther! ~Mike! ~Taliax! Totally unrelated: I enjoy calling Mike "Mikeus" in my brain :D It's just a random word I picked up from somewhere. The weird Slugma is a Slime Slugma (you can see them in the daycare for...
  9. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT ...*sniffle* Isn't it beautiful? Also got a Treecko. I want a female, but I think I'll do a Mike before I end up with one :P Actually, a Minkow. A Mike is a situation in which you constantly get females, and a Minkow is one where you constantly get males. Also:
  10. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    No no, after Squirtle comes Mewtwo, and then the two surprises.
  11. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    DRAGON! ALL YOUR CHARMANDER ARE BELONG TO ME D: ((So that people don't get confused, this is meant to point out that she got a Clone Charmander :P))
  12. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    shadow_lugia: So, Thornstar, did you get a Bulbasaur Clone? Thornstar: Now that's a good question! Did I get a Bulbasaur Clone? LOVE :3
  13. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Starts today. Apparently, people are also seeing Manaphy eggs popping up in the header along with treasure chests and the little man. By the way, Missingno. hatched and is in the PC.
  14. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Hmm, for me it rarely shows up at all :/ And when it does, it just flashes on the ad for a second and then goes to the actual ad. In other news: HEY RUFFLED! Look what I gots :D
  15. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I think you just have to wait five days. Ropisa=ACQUIRED So I adopted an Eevee. In the vain hope that it would be female. DEJA VU
  16. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Eh, Minkow, I'm not sure whether you were talking about the Heracross or the Snubbull egg when you said 'something I don't know' :P Oh, and I evolved Baruwa, and changed his description and Blade's to fit the evolution. Blade is now in the Daycare.
  17. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    What a surprise. Treecko hatched male. I spared you all by rambling on the GPX+ forums instead of over here. Adopted a Togepi in the vain hope that it will be female.
  18. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I've known that for ages o.o Since I evolved Mist and accomplished another Pokemon from my wishlist, I have adopted a Tropius in hope of a female.
  19. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I evolved Heigaaz. Finally. And Lader, but I don't have a Dawn Stone. I shoved them in the PC box of death and adopted: A Weedle! A Treecko! And then I had to log off real quick to change computers. Naturally I just typed in "gpxplus.net" so it went to the lab. And THE HELL out of nowhere:
  20. shadow_lugia

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Carnivine: A dull green egg with several darker spots on it. It shakes a bit if it is touched sometimes. It's supposed to be the egg of a plant. First egg I ever obtained. That was easy. Oh and I finally found one of those Zergoose eggs. Picture and description are acquired <3
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