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Search results

  1. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Markku is DQ'd. Mawile gets $16, I get $10, Markku gets $6. Rose, Melii, and Smirk get 1 exp; Vriska gets 2 exp.
  2. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    DQ warning for Markku. 48 hours.
  3. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Mawile (Oo) zorua Vriska (F) <Illusion> Health: 14% Energy: 9% - 'Hngngrgr...' Speed +1, burned (severe, attack is halved, 1hp/action)...
  4. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Mawile (Oo) zorua Vriska (F) <Illusion> Health: 34% Energy: 28% - 'Mmm... die so I can sleep...' Speed +1 Markku (xO) ralts Melii (F)...
  5. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Alright, edited. (Hypnosis still ended up missing both times, hr.)
  6. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Mawile (Oo) zorua Vriska (F) <Illusion> Health: 34% Energy: 47% - ':D' Speed +2 Markku (xO) ralts Melii (F) <Synchronise> Health: 100%...
  7. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Mawile (Oo) zorua Vriska (F) <Illusion> Health: 34% Energy: 54% - 'Five more minutes, pleassse?' Speed +2 Markku (Oo) purrloin Smirk...
  8. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Mawile (Oo) zorua Vriska (F) <Illusion> Health: 44% Energy: 57% - 'Arhg... stop hitting me!' Speed +2 Markku (Oo) purrloin Smirk (F)...
  9. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Mawile (Oo) zorua Vriska (F) <Illusion> Health: 65% Energy: 73% - 'How'd'ya like that, eh?' Speed +2 Markku (Oo) purrloin Smirk (F)...
  10. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Mawile (Oo) zorua Vriska (F) <Illusion> Health: 88% Energy: 86% - 'Check mate!' Speed +2 Fake Tears ~ Fake Tears ~ Night Daze Markku...
  11. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Skaia Welcome to Skaia. Skaia is a chess-board like world covered in small hills. There are random trees interspersed throughout the world. Here's a picture. Mawile (Oo) litwick Rose (F) <Flame Body> Health: 100% Energy: 100% - 'Knight to F 4.' Counter ~ Agility ~ Foul Play Markku (Oo)...
  12. shy ♡

    Mawile vs Markku

    Mawile's Active Squad Aureus the Male Ninetales Ability: Flash Fire Leo the Male Kirlia Ability: Trace Item: Dawn Stone Tavros the Male Emolga Ability: Motor Drive Terezi the Female Oshawott Torrent Vriska the Female Zorua Ability: Illusion Becquerel the Male Growlithe Ability: Flash Fire...
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