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  1. sovram


    Eh, sorry, you're right. I misinterpreted the issue. Carry on.
  2. sovram


    Well, as long as it's arbitrary, then it's only as complex as the selection of pronouns, yeah? I agree that it could be confusing but it's kind of the only option. It's not the language's fault. :< Oh, that's true. You're right, sorry. Maybe you could borrow a word, like Swedish människa or...
  3. sovram


    Well, grammatical gender is not quite the same concept. Admittedly it's easier in English because grammatical gender has pretty much disappeared (except for personal pronouns I guess? but they aren't gendered so much as references to human gender) but it should be possible! I wouldn't expect a...
  4. sovram


    Yes, activist probably wasn't the best word choice. I guess educator is closer to what I was looking for. As a relatively closeted agender individual, I guess I don't have the same sort of experiences that other trans* people do. So I'm sorry if I've been inconsiderate in any of my posts. You...
  5. sovram


    Well, okay, that's very reasonable. I was starting to get the idea that people would tend to just flat-out refuse most of the time -- which, of course, is very ridiculous and fruitless. I suppose that was my fault. While I agree with you on most points, and I would agree that you do not...
  6. sovram


    Addressing first post -- I'm not cisgender. However, I don't really think about it a lot. It's just a thing. Admittedly it factors into a lot of things in my life, but it's not something I struggle with or anything. It's just a fact. I encourage the use of alternate pronouns. I've never used...
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