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Search results

  1. surskitty


    You don't know the situation for anyone other than yourself, so why do you feel justified in judging? And no, unfortunately, the thing about my heart's not a hypothetical, so .... I do have something more fundamentally wrong with my heart than the not-exercising (it's more I can't exercise...
  2. surskitty


    Aaaaaaaand that's why the Netherlands requires consultation with a second doctor before euthanasia's legal. If the family's intent is malicious (and I wouldn't say that's 'extremely rare'), the person isn't going to regain consciousness enough to communicate, and the person never made a...
  3. surskitty


    Wow, what. Please stop spouting victim-blaming and ableist bullshit; I'm contemplating submitting this to Chronic Illness Cat. So by this logic, if my piece of shit heart goes any more piece of shit, and given that I don't eat well and I don't exercise, you think I should die. This is what...
  4. surskitty


    I am actually not in favour of the 'terminally ill' stipulation; if someone's in incurable pain that they cannot tolerate (and people can function-for-certain-definitions-of-function with rather a lot of pain) but it's not going to kill them and they want to die, ... I don't really see why not...
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