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Search results

  1. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    Crap, I wanted Wargle.... I'll just have the vulture then. The vulture is a lady. Then again, she evolves at 54, too... BLAH. Yay for monkeys evolving with the Leaf, Fire, and Water Stones :3
  2. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    The letter was attached in his update. But, then again, you're probably right about that since we get coverage for every new game. Maybe someone wanted to stir something up :P
  3. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    It's in the middle of their updates~ Says:
  4. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    Did anyone see what they were saying on Pokebeach? He said he got a letter from Nintendo asking to remove all the B/W images and that they're investigating other fansites as well..? :S
  5. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    I have mixed feelings about the designs here o_o I look at some and think "THIS IS SO COOL MAN I'M GETTIN ONE" and then I look at some and think "...WTF IS THIS THING" Buuuut, I'm sure I'll get over it soon, I did the same thing in gens 3 and 4. They always grow on me ^^ If I was going to pick...
  6. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    My fakemon D: Gahhh I'm so excited, I can't wait to see all the new Pokes!! It's my favorite time, it means I get to pick out which ones I want :D I was kinda disappointed at another Fire/Fighting and no Grass/Dragon, but whatever I guess. I do like the possible legendaries, though...from what...
  7. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    Well, Mijumaru for me, then. Futachimaru looks so cool XD Um, I guess Ononoksu is Kibago's evo since they have the same abilities and they're both Dragons types. I was kinda hoping they'd be separate lines, but whatever~ Really enjoying the new cat and dog, and most of the others as well. The...
  8. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    Starter evos were announced as fake on Serebii.
  9. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    I kept telling my friend that Mijumaru was going to have the coolest evolution... And if these are real, his and Tsutaja's are pretty cool :D ...The only problem with my thinking that is that I wanted Pokabu. And...I...ew. I don't like the Pokabu line atm, but I want to see a clearer pic anyway...
  10. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    I love the slots, I've played them for hours... :D
  11. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    I thought Complete Burn was gonna be some deadly attack, because that's what it sounded like to me... But I guess it could be useful. I'm so glad to see seasons in this game. I've been waiting for it!
  12. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    I'm 4'9, so I can usually get a pretty good estimate from the Pokedex :P Customizable heights and weights would be kinda cool, although I don't think it'd be of much use besides the Pokedex.. And yah, about the sprites being misleading.. What if they just had a silhouette of the Pokemon in some...
  13. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    But Missingno is #000 D: If there's a Pal Park thing going on, then I guess we wouldn't be able to trade back and forth?
  14. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    Cool silhouette XD I love birds!! I must admit that these new pokes are starting to grow on me.. Heh. I think only good thing about my summer vacation slipping away must be getting to see new stuff each Sunday :P
  15. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    3 on 3 battles... Well, I was just getting the hang of doubles XD ..I'll have to try it out before I say anything. Also, I can't say I'm crazy about those Pokes that just got revealed. I like that insect-dinosaur creature, but...I dunno about those others. They just look sort of...
  16. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    If Donkey Kong and Infernape had a baby it would be Hihidaruma. I love the zebra... I love electric-types. And I hope the pigeon evolves into something cool, like funky-looking Starly evolved into Staraptor, mostly because I always use the birds... Chinchilla is cute. The other pokes are...
  17. voltianqueen

    Black & White

    I'm excited @__@ I'd like Black really, just because it sounds cool, but I'd like to see and hear more about the games (as in I'd like to see who's on the cover!) before I really decide. I thought maybe my best friend and I should get opposite versions, but...nah. We might end up wanting the...
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