• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Hi! My name is, as you can see, T-m-d-r, which used to be the name of a rp I made in another forum. I forgot the name of the thread by this time, though. I like RPing, and you (probably) will see me there.

I will, however, probably not be very active.
Welcome to TCoD. There might be some *Crayzies* here, so watch out. And if your in the RP section. I enjoy it. I also own 2 rps. Anywsys, enjoy your stay.
There might be some *Crayzies* here, so watch out.

Some crazyies? We're ALL crazy. So you're utterly screwed, T-d-m-r!

Ahem...anyway, welcome to our fine establishment that we call The Insane Asylum TCoD. It is here you can partake in drinking te-, oh hell! I'm not going to waste your time with that "drinking tea and eating cod" crap. It's been used so much now it's annoying.

So yeah, you can call me Prog, and you can find me on pretty much any board on this forum except for the Anime board (because I can't stand the Pokemon anime).
I'm not crazy...I'm insane. There's a difference.

Welcome to TCoD! Where we drink herbal extracts and eat fillets of certain species of fish. Anyway, I'm glitchedgamer, or just glitched. Like Prog, I'll be all over the place except the anime section. Enjoy your stay.
Hi! Hope you like it here on TCoD! One tip, don't not expect people to act all hyper, super happy, or just flat out creepy (that's all of us!) Hope we can be friends ^-^ (I guess I am the creepy super happy person TT-TT)
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