• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

A Caterpie Crawls Up

GAH! Caterpieeee!! :D Welcome to the TCoD, wher I thoroughly annoy Mewtini by repeating memes such as eating tea and drinking cod. May I direct to the RolePlaying forums, where you'll have the best time of your forum life! Ahem, now that I have covered the stuff I say in every welcome... Ima run off now!! Bye byeee <3 -bumps into apple tree- Dx
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GAH! Caterpieeee!! :D Welcome to the TCoD, wher I thoroughly annoy Mewtinin by repeating memes acuh as eating tea and drinking cod. May I direct to the RolePlaying forums, where you'll have the best time of your forum life! Ahem, now that I have covered the stuff I say in every welcome... Ima run off now!! Bye byeee <3 -bumps into apple tree- Dx

You misspelled my name! *eats apple that fell down from the tree* Anyway...hello! For your Caterpieness, I will provide you with a gift.
Hopefully we'll have some fun!
Caterpie was never my favorite, but now I think it's adorable after seeing your avatar. Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
Welcome to the insane asyl... err... forum.

Have fun, and enjoy your complimentary Hors d'œuvres. I like your avatar, btw.
Caterpie's cool. I ran one through to a Butterfree in a run of Heartgold. Good times, Good Times.

Anyways, have fun here, and hope to heck Negrek can get ASB up, I'd love to see you have a team of caterpillers.

Oh, btw I'm Eon Spirit (Currently Richard the Cinccino), I've been kicking about a whiles now, and may have helpful input, if I'm not fuming about life... XD
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